Every service features a special message on selected topics. Sometimes these messages focus on an upcoming holy day, a special insight into the Scriptures, or a pressing topic regarding current events.
Each week, and on the holy days, the messages are posted here online. Enjoy!
Rosh Kodesh truth
RP-10-11-2014 by Rabbi Paul Falk. ….Theology is where you have a gap between what He told us to do and how to, when to. And it didn’t say specific. So from there, we have to say, we’ll put a few pieces together, we’ll try and put a better picture together and then we can go and on that we’ll base an opinion and then we’re going to go ahead and do something. Rosh Kodesh. Rosh means head or beginning, start. Rosh Kodesh literally means the new moon leading into Passover. But every new month has a head or first day to it. So lets’ look at the word Kodesh. Defined in Strong’s as new, month or monthly. Spoken of as the first day of the month. It’s from Kodash meaning to renew, to be new or repair. The moon goes through cycles where we see the light of it shining on us. All the major feasts occur on full moons, except for of course Yom Teruah, the beginning of the month. (continued in audio)
Sukkot 1st Day (2014) by Rabbi Dennis Richards. Sukkot. Probably the most astounding thing about Sukkot is what most people don’t realize. If Christianity understood the importance of Sukkot it would become their biggest feast. Because it was on Sukkot that Yeshua made some of the most astounding announcements of who he was. And it was received by much of the people in Jerusalem. The idea of Sukkot goes way back. And we are going to start off today. You can’t understand the reason for this feast unless you understand what brought this feast about and how the times have changed from the three temples. That the thing that kept the three temples together was the feast of Sukkot. And that’s why it’d become a joyous feast. So many wonderful thing happened on Sukkot. If you ever wanted to a study you find that the Messiah was born, not in a manger, but in a Sukka. At this time of the year when the shepherds were still out in the field. And if they understood that they wouldn’t need all these other days that they made up to conform to scripture. God already gave us the pattern, he already gave us the Moedim, the Holy Days. So we are going to start out with what Isaiah thought about water… (continued in audio)
Yom Kippur (2014)
100414yom By Rabbi Dennis Richards. We should realize that it comes with a prerequisite and it would be Teshuva, repentance. You can’t ask the Judge of the universe for mercy if you are not willing to repent. Traditionally, on Yom Kippur before the …(continued on audio)
Erev Yom Kippur
100314erevyomkippur.sp By Rabbi Paul Falk. We throw around a lot of words in the spiritual kingdom and we act like we truly understand them. Like Peace, take a moment a think about this, do you really understand Peace, Faith, Hope. Do we really truly understand what it means to be atoned for? Yes, that means redeemed. Ok, what does redeemed mean? You’ll answer with another big religious word, and another big religious word. And you’ll sit back going well….I don’t totally know. I know I need a covering. So were going to try and cover it today. and I want you to think of atonement today in regard to a puzzle…we have no idea what it means compared to the entire world…
Jealousy Part 3
RPF Jealousy Part 3 Rabbi Paul Falk. There are so many scriptures that I had to cut off today, if you get a chance go back to the scriptures that talk about the strongman in the house that is divided, it completely connects into what we are going to talk about today. Who knew that such an emotion like jealousy would play such a major role in the Kingdom and is used so much by Yahweh. To review, some previous lessons for us on which to focus. First of all, Yahweh is a jealous Elohim, and he wants to be our only Elohim. Period. He is not about us mixing Him with someone else, or His ways and the world’s ways, No. He is giving everything He has completely for you, He wants the same back. Satan was the one who taught us to be like him. The him that was in the garden to aspire to be like Elohim knowing good and evil. And his point was to actually rise up and become our own Elohim. Knowing good and evil going, “I can say, this is good and this is bad.” How many times have we heard today about specifically faith? Well faith and belief haven’t changed over the years, they haven’t progressed. Then we’re like in the 21st century, they expect that truth evolves. No… Truth is Truth because it is the same, No, we evolve to the Truth. Truth should not change if it is Truth. It deals with pride and rebellion and that leads to the fall. We see that in Genesis. (continued on audio)
Erev Yom Teruah By RDR ..and it’s to teach you about the moedim, this particular moedim because there is such a confusion, this moedim has so many names to it, and it’s usually known as Rosh Hashana, but that’s not the name that God gave it. In fact he doesn’t give us a reason for this Holy Day even. He just says you must hear the sound of the shofar, He doesn’t tell us why. He just says pay attention, because the sound of the shofar is throughout, the sound of the shofar is going to herald in the King. So he wants you to hear so you can be familiar with the sound. You might be in the middle of shopping and you hear this strange sound coming from the sky and if you never heard the shofar call you don’t know what it is. So He wants you to hear it. This is where we get the feast of Yom Teruah. Yahweh spoke to Moses saying, “Speak to the Sons of Israel saying in the 7th month, on the 1st day of the month, you shall have a rest. A reminder by blowing of trumpets, a reminder, a Holy Convocation. You shall not do any laborious work, but you shall present an offering by fire to Yahweh.” Today, is the first day of the 7th month, and the beginning of the moedim. It is a Holy day that has long been shrouded in mystery, and even it’s name, Rosh Hashana, which literally means the head of the year. Rosh Hashana, incorrectly is commonly known as the Jewish New Year. And it might before the Jewish people today, their New Year. But in no way should we mistakenly take it for Yahweh’s New Year. Traditions of men… (continued in audio)
Abraham, The Friend of God by RDR Yom Teruah which is the proper name for this feast. There is a tradition in Judaism that you read the Achida which is the binding of Issac. The story never changes. You could read the story a hundred times, two hundred times and it never changes. But to set the stage for the Achida, what we find is that at this time Abraham and Sarah are old and childless, and desperate because they have been promised by God that they are going to have offspring that are as numerous [as the stars in] the sky and here they are waiting and waiting and waiting. In our culture if we wait more than 3 or 4 minutes we get upset. In God’s culture, you wait upon Him, and you wait upon Him, and you wait upon Him, you wait upon Him, Until you are calling out to Him “Well, what is going to happen?” and He tells you in My time. In our culture you might say, just a second, and I’ll answer your prayer. And if you remember that a day is like a thousand years in the eyes of God, a second is probably somewhere out there also. But He will answer in His time. He won’t answer in your time. But they are old and they are waiting. Sarah unable to bear a child gets desperate so what does she do. She gives Abraham, (continued on audio)
Isaiah 62 – Should God Repent?
Track 1 By Rabbi Dennis Richards. We have such a merciful God that even with the creation of man, he already set a process in place for Teshuva. As quickly as Adam fell in the Garden, God’s plan was revealed to us. And if you go through every single book from Genesis to Revelation you are going to find out that the theme is always going to be Teshuva. Repentance. Repentance is the whole key to understanding who God is. Repentance is something that is not done once in a while. It’s like working out your salvation daily. No Repentance, No salvation. It’s really that simple. I want to look at the Haf Torah section for today. It comes to us through Isaiah and we’ll go to 62. Maybe. Listen to what’s happening here. This is a unique situation in the bible. There’s something happening. “For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain still, till her righteousness shines like a light, till her salvation shines like a flaming torch.” There is much speculation that goes on in the theological circles as to who the “I” is that is interceding to Yahweh. So, We know that They are interceding to Yahweh on behalf of, Jerusalem or Zion they are synonymous, and the people of Yahweh who made Teshuva who made repentance. The role of an intercessor starts again, right in the beginning and goes through. Some people regard the speaker in this chapter as Yahweh. Others will say it is Isaiah himself who is speaking or a prophetic utterance. And finally there is the servant. And I believe that if you follow the pattern that is going through you will find out it is the servant that is speaking. And the reason I believe [that] is because the close connection which precedes this chapter points to the servant. Okay, And also, it appears that the intercessor here is somebody who God has chosen to take on the role of an intercessor. The role of an intercessor is not an easy one. There are many people who call themselves an intercessor. Also on the second half of Isaiah’s prophecies they might be called the book of the servant of Yahweh. This is where we find out all of a particular servant. And it’s synonymous with many other servants. In Isaiah it appears that one majestic figure stands out with ever growing clearness. . [You] gotta watch that servant because in Judaism they believed in two Messiahs. One is called the suffering servant. Messiach Ben Joseph… (continued in audio)
Track 2 by Rabbi Paul Falk.
Yahweh uses jealousy, Yahweh is a jealous God. And I started going is jealousy like coveting, cause you want something, you want it and your upset because someone else has it. And so I started going through that process and well he is a jealous God, and what does that mean? And this is not today, but, Yahweh uses jealousy a lot….a lot. He loves to use jealousy and it is one of his major tools throughout scripture and it is a strange tool to use. So let’s just delve in. The question I want to get to today is, to some degree what does it mean that Yahweh is a jealous God, and how does that affect us.
The one verse that I wanted to put, where it says Jealousy is his name, Deuteronomy, somewhere around 34, had brackets around it, which means it is not in the original manuscript, so I didn’t even touch that one. It wasn’t important anyway, but just so you realize. So what does it mean to be jealous. Well to me, it means the reality that I have a really strong desire for something and whether that is in someone else’s hands, I want what they have. Or in some regards, I want to protect what I already have, I’m afraid of losing it. Well that doesn’t help you…what I think. What does the scripture mean? So the word in scripture is Ka-na. It’s specifically almost set that is only used in regard to Yahweh. It means to have no rival. No one else. It’s from the base word, Kana, to be envious to excite to jealous anger, but here is the positive end, it means to be what? Zealous. Zealous to the point where you are willing to give everything up for it. This is the positive side of jealousy. It means so much to me that I am willing to give everything else in my life up for this one thing. So we are going to start with Exodus 20 versus 2 thru 4. It’s a good place to start because Yahweh is introducing Himself in regard to the covenant.
“I am Yahweh your Elohim who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, you shall have no other Elohims before me, you shall not make for yourselves a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them nor serve them, for I Yahweh your Elohim am a jealous El, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me, and showing mercy to thousands of those who love me and keep my commands.”
So basic lessons, (Continued in audio)
090614sd By Rabbi Dennis Richards. Chapter 17 in the book of Acts which is the history book of the early movement. Gives us an interesting dialogue that goes on between Paul and the Greeks. Paul is now called, …I remember Paul was a Hasidic Jew at one time, and after meeting the Messiah on the Damascus road, he has a call to go out to the Gentiles. And I want to start in Acts Chapter 17, because Paul’s message is identical to the message of the Messiah, and the message of James the brother of the Messiah. So we are going to start with Act Chapter 17, and we are going to go all the way to 22. “So Paul stood in the middle of the aeropagus, “Men of Athens, I observe that you are very religious, in all respects.” Now remember Paul is coming from an orthodox Jewish background, and all of a sudden in 17, if you read up to the verse that leads you to this you find out that Paul was speaking in the midst of Athens. And it’s really a story, it looks like its just a simple little story that they wanted to know what Paul was doing, but he was preaching from day to day in the market place, he was making a journey into the Gentile nations, and he was speaking in the market place daily and it caused the great philosophers of Greek to hear him, and say who is this stranger in our midst and what is he doing. And if you know the— it was up on a hill…this is the Supreme Court of Greece. And the religious leaders of Greece called him up to this high tower where you could see everything going on below because they wanted to know why he is blaspheming against their Gods. It was composes of entirely x-lawmakers, they usually met at night time. Their main concern was blasphemy. So here we have Paul coming up, and he starts the conversation with “I know you are a very religious group,” and after he says something nice, but after he says something nice he says “But,” and this is where we are going with the “But,” listen to what he is telling them, This is a man in the middle of all the great minds of Greece. He’s saying for while I was passing through and examining the objects of your worship, I also found an altar with this inscription “To the unknown God.” Therefore, what you worship in ignorance, this I proclaim to you. The God who made the world and all the things in it since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. Nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything since He Himself gives us, all people life and breath and all things, and he has made for us one man, every nation of mankind to live on the face of the earth. Having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. For in Him we live and move and exist. As even some of your own poets have said, for we also are His children. being then that the children of God, we ought to not think that the Divine nature is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the art and thoughts of men. (continued in audio)