Every service features a special message on selected topics. Sometimes these messages focus on an upcoming holy day, a special insight into the Scriptures, or a pressing topic regarding current events.
Each week, and on the holy days, the messages are posted here online. Enjoy!
How Can We Possibly Bless Yahweh?
032815sd by Rabbi Dennis Richards
Va-Yikra-Hakodesh (Leviticus)
03-21-17sp By Rabbi Paul Falk. “Speak to the Israelites and tell them how to give me an offering.” (Message and Torah).
Spiritual Warfare 2 (Terumah Exodus 25:1-27:19)
022115t/sp By Rabbi Paul Falk. (Message and Torah portion).
Spiritual Warfare
021415spf By Rabbi Paul Falk.
Who Is The Bride of The Lamb?
020715sd By Rabbi Dennis Richards.
Will the Real Gospel Please Stand Up
013115sd By Rabbi Dennis Richards
The Arm of YHVH
012415sp by Rabbi Paul Falk. The Arm of YHVH is a metaphor meaning His strength and power. The events of John chapter 12 occur just prior to THE Passover when he became our passover lamb. We can find multiple parallels with Y’shua’s account and the original Passover in Exodus to help us understand the Arm of YHVH a bit more.
“But although he had done so many signs before them, they did not believe in him so that the word of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spoke: YHVH, who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of YHVH been revealed?” John 12:37-38 &Isaiah 53:1 What do those verses mean? 1. ‘he had done so many signs before them’ — Y’shua performed many signs in YHVH’s name just as Moses performed many signs in Egypt in YHVH’s name “Father, glorify Your name.” Then a voice came from Heaven saying, “I have both glorified it and will glorify it again” John 12:28, 2. ‘they did not believe in him’ — not believing in Y’shua meant not believing in YHVH (John 12:44) just as those who believed in Moses believed in YHVH (Exodus 14:31) 3. ..’so that the word of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled’ — fulfill means to make real or true. It does not in any way mean that it can only be fulfilled once or that once it has been fulfilled it is somehow then made null or void …
Revelation in Light of Israel’s Prophets
011715sd by Rabbi Dennis Richards. Torah = Gen-Deut (written by the hand of God and given to Moses)Tanakh = Gen – Malachi (“old” testament) The New Testament is incomprehensible without the “Old” Testament. We need to be well-versed in Torah.
- Torah defines sin. Sin is transgression of Torah (the law) 1 John 3:4
- Torah was written for us. It’s for learning through patience and comfort to have hope! Romans 15:4
- Torah gives us the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in the Messiah/Word 2 Timothy 3:14-15
- Torah (ALL Scripture) is inspired by God and profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness 2 Timothy 3:16
What did Paul mean by “all Scripture”?
- Would Paul consider his personal letters, written to specific congregations he was leading, to be Scripture?
- Paul reiterates many commandments from Torah and also gives some his own advice in his letters. 1 Cor 7:12, 25; 2 Cor 11:17
- His advice is NOT Scripture. It is advice from him to specific people and congregations with specific problems (see the Scripture references above)
The book of Revelation is baffling without knowledge of the Tanakh.
- 404 verses in Revelation. 278 of those reference the Tanakh
- Tanakh has 39 books. 24 of those are referenced in Revelation.
Golden Lamp stands Rev 1:12——– Zech 4:16 Babylon Rev 14:8, 18:2——–Isaiah 21:9 Key of David Rev 3:7—–Isaiah 22:22 No More Tears Rev 7:17—-Isaiah 25:8 Heavens will Dissolve Rev 6:13-14—–Isaiah 34:4 Alpha & Omega Rev 1:8,11,17 and Rev 21:6; 22:13 —-Isaiah 41:4 No More Hunger Rev 7:16——Isaiah 49:10 The Gentiles Rev 21:24-26——Isaiah 60:3,11 Warrior Rev 19:13,15——Isaiah 63:2-3 New Heavens, New Earth Rev 21:1———-Isaiah 65:17 The Beast Rev 13:1-2——-Daniel 7:18-22
Lessons from the Stones Part 3
011015 spf by Rabbi Paul Falk.
Lessons from the Stones (part 2)
010315sp by Rabbi Paul Falk
Matthew 3:9 & Luke 3:8 John the Immerser(baptist) talking to many Pharisees and Sadducees: “And don’t think you can comfort yourselves by saying, ‘Abraham is our father’! For I tell you that God can raise up for Abraham sons from these stones!”
– John was at the Jordan river. Recall that YHVH commanded the Israelites to take stones from that very place and write the commandments on them. (Deut 27: 1-8 and notably verse 26 says a curse on anyone who does not put the commandments into action!)
– God can raise up Abraham sons….From obedience to the Word, we become children of Abraham
– Can someone be a “child of Abraham” without obedience to the Word? No.
John 8: 39-40 They answered him, “Our father is Abraham.” Y’shua replied, “If you are children of Abraham, then do the things Abraham did! As it is, you are out to kill me, a man who has told you the truth which I heard from God. Abraham did nothing like that!”
STONES first mentioned…
– Gen 28:11-22
- Jacob finds one stone and puts it at his head
- Jacob dreams of angels ascending and descending from the heavens
- God promises him an inheritance
- YHVH is no longer only the God of Jacob’s father and grandfather; He is now Jacob’s God!
- The stone is anointed and sets the stone as a pillar (cornerstone!) to be God’s house
- YHVH says “in you all the families of the earth will be blessed”
Becoming Children of YHVH: Receiving the inheritance
– Gen 48: 1-20
- Joseph brings his sons to Jacob for a final blessing before Jacob dies (similar to Jacob himself going to Isaac before he died)
- Jacob is dying. He recounts to Joseph his dream at Luz (Bethel) and the promise YHVH gave to him
- Jacob adopts Joseph’s sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. The two boys were raised in Egypt (part of ‘the nations’) and then adopted as sons of Jacob
- Jacobs says “let my name be upon them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac”
Inheritance is given through the blessing.
“I am making this covenant and this oath not with you alone but I am making it both with him who is standing here with us today before YHVH our God and also with him who is not here with us today.” Deut 29: 14-15
What happens when we reject the Word and promises of God and follow our own heart? The temple (ourselves) is destroyed!
Matthew 23:37 – Matthew 24:2
Matthew 21: 42-44
Y’shua said to them, “Haven’t you ever read in the Scriptures, ‘The very rock which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone! This has come from YHVH, and in our eyes it is amazing’?[i] Therefore, I tell you that the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to the kind of people that will produce its fruit!”
Quick Summary
- YHVH can make sons from these stones (the Word/commandments). He has done it before and will do it again
- May we be like Ephraim and Manasseh!
- Only one Cornerstone and it is the Gate of heaven and the House of YHVH
- We can accept or reject the Cornerstone
- We are being built into a Holy temple for YHVH!