Every service features a special message on selected topics. Sometimes these messages focus on an upcoming holy day, a special insight into the Scriptures, or a pressing topic regarding current events.
Each week, and on the holy days, the messages are posted here online. Enjoy!
Risen Army
by Rabbi Paul Falk 7th Day of Unleavened Bread
You Shall Count
by Rabbi Dennis Richards reviews the command to count the omer until from unleavened bread to the 50th, and contrasts other non-scriptural customs.
Two (2) Pesachs?
by Rabbi Paul Falk
Easter or Passover?
By Rabbi Dennis Richards. Reviews the introduction of false doctrine and customs into the faith after the first century. Reveals some of the meaning and origin of some of those doctrines and customs the are not readily apparent to most people.
The Lamb
by Rabbi Paul Falk
Listen to Him / Follow Me
by Rabbi Dennis Richards. From the misinterpreting of Paul’s letters to the congregations, to other errors introduced to the faith, these changes do not show the true purpose of the Messiah’s teachings. He was to provide a fresh look at the Torah and as a sacrifice for our sins (fulfilling the Torah so we could be spared.) Many times, scriptures are taken out of context, and out of the perspective of life during the time of the Messiah.
His Flesh His Blood Tzav (Leviticus 6:8-8:36).
by Rabbi Paul Falk explains one of the more controversial statements made by Yeshua, that remains controversial even today. Includes this weeks Torah portion Tzav (Leviticus 6:8-8:36).
The Real War on Women
Rabbi Dennis Richards reviews the role of women in Judaism and how it is ahead of the world, even though in our time some media pundits would have us believe otherwise.
My Shabbats vs Your Shabbats Part 2
by Rabbi Paul Falk. A continuing examination of the strict adherence to man made rules versus the God’s rules and their intended purpose.
My Sabbaths vs. Your Sabbaths
022214sp Rabbi Paul Falk. The Shabbat: Yahweh’s version of it and our version of it….So what have we done. We want to believe that evil people came along and changed things, but history proves otherwise. We are going to see that well intentioned people can set us on a course that leaves behind Yahweh’s ways.