Every service features a special message on selected topics. Sometimes these messages focus on an upcoming holy day, a special insight into the Scriptures, or a pressing topic regarding current events.
Each week, and on the holy days, the messages are posted here online. Enjoy!
The Gift of Solomon
by Rabbi Dennis Richards. If the spirit of God visited you today and promised you to give you any one thing that you asked. What would you ask for? Remember it would be for your lifetime. Luxury, riches, long life? What happened to Solomon when he asked for Wisdom. David’s son Solomon was given this very opportunity when he took to the throne. God appeared to Solomon and asked what he would like to be given. Solomon responded, “You have dealt with my father David with great loving kindness, and have made me King in his place, now, O Yahweh Elohim, your promise to my father David is fulfilled, for you have made me King over a people as numerous as the dust of the earth, give me now Wisdom and Knowledge that I may go out and come in before this people, for who can rule this great people, of yours.” Simply that fact that Solomon asked for Wisdom and Knowledge impressed God. It showed that Solomon’s heart was right before God at that time. Yahweh responds to Solomon’s request, saying that because you have asked for Wisdom and Knowledge and not riches, long life, or the life of your enemies, I will give you riches and wealth, more than any other King of Israel has had before. I believe that the wealth was a test, to see how Solomon would handle the Wisdom and Knowledge given him by God. If God gave you what you wanted and then he gave you more, you have to wonder why he gave you more. Everything we do in this life is a test. God will give us desires of our heart.
Proverbs were written to reveal the mysteries of God. and Proverbs were written to reveal the mysteries of God, they reveal a true lesson.
For instruction and wisdom, for understanding, to gain an understanding of judgement and iniquity, to give a simple the simple prudence, to offer discretion and knowledge to the young, to increase the wisdom of somebody already wise, to come to understand wise counsel so that enigmas or signs and proverbs may be understood so that the riddles of the wise may be understood.
It is likely that Solomon wrote all of the proverbs. Proverbs is a Spiritual book on how to live in the spiritual Kingdom of God. It has nothing to do with the secular world at all.
Wisdom, Understanding, the Commandments or the Laws of God, Sin and Iniquity, the breaking of God’s law, comparisons between God’s ways and man’s way of life.
YHVH & His Word
by Rabbi Paul Falk. Yahweh and his word. Most of Christianity only goes by Matthew to Revelation. How can Yeshua be a part of God, Yahweh, but not be Yahweh. How can that be? This teaching is not literally on Yeshua. It is on the Word. Invariably we have to go to John verses 1 thru 5. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with Elohim. All things were made through him. Without him nothing was made that was made. In him was life. And that life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness could not comprehend it.
A part of him, yet not him. Key points: The word has a dual reality. To be with, means I have to have separation. To be them, means unity. So what you have in the Word is separation and a unity all at once. He, the Word, was in the beginning, through him all things were made. In him was life and the light of man. Isaiah 55: 8-9, For my thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways my ways, says Yahweh, for as the Heavens are higher than the earth, So are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
….most theology today is the earth trying to comprehend the heavens.
The Mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven
by Rabbi Dennis Richards. Yeshua taught his followers to love all people, make peace, forgive and serve others. He told them that the spirit of God would guide them into the Truth and brotherhood of mankind. When you hear someone say Yeshua lives inside of me, they are not following his teachings. His teaching said, I can longer be with you, so I am going to ask to the Father to send you another one to comfort you, and that would be the spirit of God. The message that they were to preach was one of Teshuvah. To turn around from where you were going and come back to where you were. That was the messasge of Yeshua “I have come that you may know the Father.” Here we see in Acts 3, Peter, the one who would deny The Messiah three times, all of a sudden he is filled with the spirit of God. So what is the first thing he does, he runs off to the temple for the ninth hour of prayer. He heals the lame man. That would catch the attention of the people. They are all there because it is just after Shavuot. Peter gives his second sermon, he preaches Yeshua, but in order to do that he takes them straight back to Moses. Acts 3: 17-22, “…and now brethren I know that you acted in ignorance just as your rulers did also, but the things which God announced beforehand by the mouth of all the prophets , that His Messiah would suffer, he [meaning YHVH] has thus fulfilled, therefore repent and return so that your sins may be wiped away in order that the times of refreshing may come from the presence of YHVH, and that he might send Yeshua the Messiah anointed to you, whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of his Holy prophets from the ancient times.” Moses said “YHVH Elohim shall raise up for you a prophet like me from your own bretheren. To him you shall give heed to everytihing he says to you”. Peter is telling the people that Yeshua is that prophet about whom Moses prophesied. The message is repent and return. Where were they return to? Back to the Torah. Back to their Father’s promises, back to all they were hearing the years before…
From Shavuot to Pentecost
by Rabbi Dennis Richards. The supplanting of Gods feast of Shavuot by mainstream Christianity, and reasons for that error, including the intentional change of date by changing the date from which it is counted.
Fallen Shepherds
by Rabbi Paul Falk. Comparison of the second chances given in the scriptures to the leaders who fail but continue to try to serve, and today’s society, where more often, restoration is not the case. How that contrasts with YHVH’s responses shown in scripture.
Counting the Omer
by Rabbi Paul Falk. Why are we commanded to count the Omer? Seven (7) weeks of days (Shabbats) completed, and then the day after, for a total of fifty days. Lev 23:17 you shall bring from dwellings two (2) wave loafs. Deuteronomy 16:9-10, you shall count 7 weeks for yourself, from the time you shall put the sickle to the grain. You shall give an offering as Yahweh blessed you. Deuteronomy 16:11-12 . You shall rejoice before Yahweh your Elohim, you, your son, your daughter, your male servant your female servant , the Levite who is in your gates, the stranger, the fatherless, the widow, shall worship and praise Yahweh, and you shall remember you were a slave in Egypt, you shall be careful to observe the statutes.
Key points to consider: Count after first fruits. First fruits in the midst of unleavened bread the first thing to come up was barley. You would cut it (the first of the barley), and offer it to Yahweh. (You could not eat leavened bread again until after first fruits is offered.) New grain offering is going to be baked with leavening.
Connections: to this season of counting is the Sabbath year and the year of Jubilee. (Lev. 25:2-3) Speak to the children of Israel and say “When you come into the land, then the land shall keep a Shabbat to Yahweh. Six years you shall sew your field, and six years your shall prune your vineyard and gather your fruit. But in the seventh (7th) year, there shall be a Shabbat of solemn rest for the land. A Shabbat to Yahweh. You shall neither sew your field nor prune your vineyard. What grows of its own accord of your harvest you shall not reap nor gather the grapes of the undressed vine; for it is a year of rest unto the land.” (listen for more…)
What Did Yeshua Teach?
by Rabbi Dennis Richards. The “rest” believing world would like us to believe that Yeshua taught a new covenant or set of rules further to the old rules from Moses on Mt. Sinai. Instead the reality is he taught the same thing, and there are scriptural that demonstrate.
by RPF. Discipleship is more involved than evangelism. It requires becoming a part of the lives of the disciples; a commitment to help and guide. Moses early beginning being placed among the reeds in an ark (of reeds, with pitch) , can remind of Noah being saved from the sea. Moses through God, delivering his people from oppression, and leading them to where he would be on the mountain with God and teach what God had given him.
The Ancient Path to Shavuot
by Rabbi Dennis Richards. The Book of Acts was not the beginning of something new but a continuation of the path the Messiah was on. The Resurrection was not the end but the beginning. The Messiah said if you want to come to God follow me. He gave us the moedim, the times and the seasons, to find our way back. Today we travel on the path that Yeshua made for us to follow. The desciples had come together to wait for what was promised to them.
by Rabbi Paul Falk traces the priestly lineage and kingship in scripture relating to the Messiah and Melchizedek.