Redemption 9 – Judaism

Posted on Jun 23, 2019

R. Paul Falk shares insights on the prodigal son’s older brother as to how he represents the mindset of traditional Judaism with regard to those newly coming to Torah. He also explains what Yeshua meant when he said that we must exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. After clicking the PLAY button below, click here to follow along with the slides, or watch the entire service online.

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Each ONE (Bemidbar)

Posted on Jun 11, 2019

Patrick Shannon presents an eye-opening perspective of the huge number of Israelites that were roaming around in the wilderness, and yet shows how the Torah portion, Bemidbar, puts a repeated emphasis on each individual in the camps. A reminder that each of us have a place where we belong, and a unique role to play. After clicking the PLAY button below, you can click here to follow along with the slides, or watch the entire service online here.

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Bechukotai 2019

Posted on Jun 2, 2019

Rick Ortiz shares from the Torah portion, Bechukotai, about the promise of our Father to bless us if we keep his Torah. Among the list of blessings, one in particular is that He would send rain in its season. Rain turns into produce, abundance, and prosperity in numerous ways. After clicking the PLAY button below, click here to follow along with the slides, or watch the entire service online.

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Behar – Jubilee of the Soul

Posted on May 26, 2019

Chris Shannon springs from the Torah portion, Behar, and shows various connections to the Jubilee year, and how our learning to keep Torah, in the physical realm is actually teaching us about the spiritual realm. A wonderfully designed presentation. After clicking the PLAY button below, click here to follow along with the slides.

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Redemption 5 – The Prodigal’s Brother

Posted on May 19, 2019

R. Paul Falk looks at the prodigal son’s older brother highlighting parallels with the house of Judah, the scribe that crossed the road to avoid the man beaten by thieves, and many of us today! After clicking the PLAY button below, you can also click here to follow along with the slides. You can also watch the entire service online.

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HOW to Be Set-Apart (Kedoshim)

Posted on May 12, 2019

Patrick Shannon teaches on the various commands listed in Leviticus Chapter 19 in which the original Ten Commandments are interwoven throughout. After clicking the PLAY button below, click here to follow along with the slides, or you can watch the entire service online.

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The East Wind

Posted on Apr 29, 2019

Chris Shannon studies the East wind that Yah used to make the dry land for the people escaping Egypt to cross the sea, and discovers certain significance wherever an East wind was used. After clicking the PLAY button below, you can click here follow along with the slides, or watch the entire service online.

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