Our Response to His Gifts (Shelach)

Posted on Jun 10, 2018

Patrick Shannon shows, from the Torah portion Shelach, how the spies, though obedient, responded improperly to the gift of the promised land, and how often we do the same with the gifts and opportunities given to us. After clicking PLAY below, click here to follow along with the slides.  

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The Son 7 – Replacement

Posted on Jun 3, 2018

R. Paul Falk continues The Son series highlighting cases of replacement in the Scriptures starting from the Torah portion, Be Ha’alacha, in which YHVH takes the Levites instead of the firstborns of Israel to be set apart for His service. In numerous other cases, replacements are made when even the anointed depart from the ways of Elohim in disobedience. After clicking PLAY below, click here to follow along with the slides.

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The Son 5 – The Seed

Posted on May 28, 2018

R. Paul Falk extracts an amazing message from the first mention of Eve’s “seed” in Genesis 3 as it pertains to other “seeds” throughout the Word, and the advice this holds for us in Messiah’s message about the Word in our hearts. After clicking PLAY below, click here to follow along with the slides.  

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The Son 4 – Numbers – Levites Instead of Firstborns

Posted on May 20, 2018

R. Paul Falk continues the series on The Son with this first Torah portion in Numbers highlighting the Father’s taking of the Levites as priests instead of the firstborns. This process of adoption is seen all the way through the apostolic writings by which we are adopted as children of Elohim. After clicking PLAY below, click here to view the slides.  

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Behar – Sabbath Years and Jubilees

Posted on May 13, 2018

Patrick Shannon talks about the Sabbath Years and Jubilees commanded in this week’s Torah portion, Behar, in a way that applies to us today, including sharing two methods of calculation that are used to determine the next upcoming years for each. As we are commanded to count certain cycles, we learn valuable lessons for managing our resources. After clicking PLAY below, click here to follow along with the slides.

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The Son – Lord of the Sabbath

Posted on May 6, 2018

R. Paul Falk shares an interesting correlation between the Torah portion, Emor, and a certain section of Yeshua’s teachings in which He claims that the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. After clicking the PLAY button below, click here to follow along with the slides.  

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Acharei-Mot and Kedoshim

Posted on Apr 29, 2018

  Rick Ortiz outlines the Torah portions, Acharei-Mot and Kedoshim highlighting what it means when the Father says that we are to be holy as He is holy. After clicking PLAY below, click here to follow along with the slides.  

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