The Vineyard 6 – New and Old Wineskins

Posted on Nov 12, 2017

In this sixth installation of the Vineyard series, R. Paul Falk explains the meaning of the parable about the new and old wineskins in Luke 5:37-38 which may be totally different from what is usually taught, simply by looking at the context of the passage, and the question that the Messiah was addressing. After clicking the PLAY button below, click here to follow along with the slides.  

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Who is Melchizadek?

Posted on Nov 4, 2017

R. Dennis Richards investigates the answer to the question, “Who is Melchizadek?” by showing the only three places this name is found in the Scriptures. He also looks at other sources about this king and priest that met with Abraham and ponders the significance of this ancient figure with the eternal prophecies about the Messiah. After clicking PLAY below, click here to follow along with the slides.  

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The Vineyard 5

Posted on Oct 15, 2017

R. Paul Falk continues expounding on Messiah’s parable of the vineyard with a focus on the winepress which was dug in it. The winepress, wine and the cup are seen throughout the Scriptures and represent rich spiritual meanings regarding covenants and judgment, especially for the vine keepers. After clicking “Play” below, click here to view the slides.

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The Vineyard 4

Posted on Oct 15, 2017

R. Paul Falk scales the tower that is built in the the vineyard, according to the parable of Messiah, revealing the significance of towers in our lives. After clicking Play below, click here to follow along with the slides.    

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Feast of Sukkot and the Temple

Posted on Oct 10, 2017

R. Dennis Richards shows some interesting parallels between the the festival of Sukkot (tabernacles) and the Jerusalem Temple throughout the history of Israel. After clicking “Play” below, click here to follow along with the slides.    

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The Vineyard 3

Posted on Oct 10, 2017

R. Paul Falk continues the series on based the Messiah’s parable about the vineyard, with a focus on the implied meanings of “hedges” and “thorns.” After clicking “Play” below,  click here to follow along with the slides.        

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Prescription for the Soul (Yom Kippur)

Posted on Oct 1, 2017

R. Dennis Richards shows a number of corresponding passages about what is probably the most important remedy for sin that will be considered at the great judgment, and exposes what many swallow that is ineffective for salvation. Click Play below, then click here to follow the slides.  

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