Seek Him From There

Posted on Aug 2, 2015

R. Dennis Richards renders an excellent picture of teshuva, explaining how to return to where we belong in YHVH from wherever we happen to be, whether scattered among the nations, or spiritually astray in our walk, especially as we approach the Fall Feast days.  

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Deuteronomy – Looking Back, Moving Forward

Posted on Jul 26, 2015

R. Dennis Richards brings out many interesting aspects of Deuteronomy and especially considers the choosing of the man who would now be responsible to lead Israel into war to conquer the promised land.  

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That We May Be As One

Posted on Jul 19, 2015

R. Dennis Richards starts from Yeshua’s prayer for us “to be as one” showing that it has not been answered yet as he highlights the many segmentations of believers throughout history.  

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The Sight of the Eyes – Part 3

Posted on Jul 12, 2015

In this insightful grand finale of the Sight series, R. Paul Falk shows the much deeper meanings of passages regarding our sight—and our heart—all pertaining to YHVH’s ultimate purpose, from the garden until now.  

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Take My Yoke

Posted on Jul 5, 2015

R. Dennis Richards presents a fresh look at the Messiah’s invitation to take His yoke upon us in Matthew 11:28-30, which is not what many of us have been taught. Rather, the secret to the true rest and “the law of liberty” is revealed throughout the Scriptures.  

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“Chukkot” & The Sight of Our Eyes – Part 2

Posted on Jun 28, 2015

Combined with the Torah portion, Chukkot, R. Paul Falk continues the series on Sight, revealing YHVH’s desire and what He uses our eyes for, illustrated by how He used to rod of Aaron in different stages of what He was teaching Israel.  

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The Sight of Our Eyes – Part 1

Posted on Jun 22, 2015

In this very relevant message, R. Paul Falk explores the depth of Yeshua’s parable about the the lamp of our body in Matthew 6:21-23 and how this simple key to a “whole body full of light” is directly attacked by the enemy to lead us astray. The accompanying PowerPoint presentation can also be downloaded HERE to follow along with the slides.

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