Works 4 – Authority

Posted on Aug 28, 2016

R. Paul Falk sheds new light on the whole issue of Authority connecting Adam to Yeshua, with many examples in between, and the working of YHVH to do His will through all of it as it connects to US.

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Works 3 – Being Born Again

Posted on Aug 14, 2016

R. Paul Falk takes “Works” to a whole new level, from Genesis to Revelation showing the correlations between the toil of man to get food from the ground, the Word sown in the heart, and the groaning of all creation as it relates to childbirth, death and rebirth through transformation. Very rich, fast-moving, and as deep as it gets!

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Works 2 (Mattot-Masei) Purification by Fire and Water

Posted on Aug 7, 2016

Continuing the Works series, R. Paul Falk connects the Torah portion’s commands about purification by fire and water to New Testament references by John, Yeshua, Paul and Peter, especially regarding the true meaning of being “born again” and references to how YHVH is working in us, and through our works.  

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Jude 2 – Enemies of the Faith

Posted on Aug 7, 2016

R. Dennis Richards continues to expound on the unusual book of Jude linking the works of deceivers in our congregations with the angelic forces behind them. He connects to some interesting passages about Lucifer, the fallen angels and the real reasons that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.

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Works 1

Posted on Jul 31, 2016

R. Paul Falk examines the topic of “works” in the Scriptures, from common misconceptions to the correct meaning of passages like “work out your salvation” and what we will be judged upon according to Yeshua. A groundbreaking teaching which redefines “works” and being “saved by grace.”  

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Jude – Contending for the Faith

Posted on Jul 24, 2016

R. Dennis Richards investigates the unusual book of Jude revealing that this is a very relevant letter to us in the end times about contending for our faith in the midst of increased evils surrounding us.  

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Chukkat – The Poison of the Serpent

Posted on Jul 17, 2016

In this very rich teaching about the serpents among the people, R. Paul Falk reveals some amazing connections between the serpent, the tongue, and the poison of deception that is misleading many people into idolatry today.  

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