Bible Studies

ARIEL provides several rich environments for in-depth study of the Scriptures, in a format of open discussion and sharing.
On the second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, at 7:00 pm, a casual Bible Study is led by Rabbi Paul Falk. He methodically works through a book of the Bible, verse by verse, giving valuable insight and understanding by studying almost every mention of each key word and phrase wherever else it occurs throughout the Scriptures. It is not unusual for the Wednesday Night Studies to be focused on one single book for several years!
On the first and third Shabbats of the month, at 2:00 pm, a group gathers for a Light Study after the Oneg (fellowship meal) which often addresses specific topics of interest.
For those who speak Spanish, there is usually a study after the Shabbat service, going through the Scriptures that were discussed that day in the teachings to give a deeper understanding of what was shared in English as participants share the Oneg meal together.
There is also an occasional Erev Shabbat (Sabbath Eve) service, a casual Friday evening get-together around a hot pot-luck dinner with a brief candle lighting ceremony, some liturgy (prayer) in several languages, a challenging study and a warm time of fellowship to usher in the Shabbat. Please check the calendar for upcoming dates.
In addition to the organized studies above, many small groups discuss their discoveries from their personal time in the Word over the Oneg meals or just standing around before and after the services. There are always interested parties when the Scriptures are being discussed!