Shabbat Service

“Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the Shabbat, to observe the Shabbat throughout their generations for a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever…” Exodus 31:16-17
Service Time
Shabbat services take place on the seventh day of the week (Saturday), beginning promptly at 11:00 am and typically running until about 1:00 pm with an Oneg, or fellowship meal, immediately following.
Order of Service
Opening Prayer
Blowing the Shofar/Call to Worship
Casual Greetings
Opening Dance
Children’s Blessing
Prayer / Liturgy (older children leave for class)
TORAH Service
Praise and Worship: Music, Singing, Dance
MESSAGE (younger children leave for class)
Final Blessings: Kiddish/Ha’motzi, Aaronic Benediction
After the service, a leader usually remains available at the front for any questions or further discussion regarding the messages.
Generally, men wear slacks and a button down shirt or polo. Some choose to wear a tie, some choose to wear a suit. Some wear talits, and some wear kippahs. Some do not. While we do not stand by a list of “cans and cannots” in regard to clothing, we do ask that you refrain from overly casual wear such as flip-flops, shorts, t-shirts, sweats, etc. As we are coming together to worship before the King of the Universe, our attire should reflect the occasion. The ladies at ARIEL also try to refrain from wearing anything overly revealing. We are here to glorify our Creator in everything, including modesty, trying not to be a temptation or a distraction to others.
Children & Youth
At the beginning of service, we have our children’s blessings. This is simply a way to dedicate our children to YHVH, as well as charge them with advice and wisdom. “Train up a child in the way he should go, so that when he is old he shall not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
We provide nursery accommodations for young children and toddlers. Should your child become uncomfortable or restless during the service, we do encourage you to bring them to our kids’ corner. We always have responsible individuals to keep your children safe and occupied so that you can fully enjoy the service.
For toddlers through the age of 7, we provide a safe atmosphere where basic biblical principles are taught, like loving your neighbor and sharing. These valuable life lessons are explored in a number of ways such as talking about what was learned after watching a Veggie Tales movie, storytelling, team-building games, and activities which foster the behaviors which are being taught that day.
Hebrew Classes
For our school-age kids, we have Hebrew classes where lessons about the Torah are discussed. Through fun drills, trivia, and memorization activities, children are provided exposure to Torah principles at a slightly more advanced level. This provides the foundation they will need for more in-depth study or, in some cases, to someday make a Bar-mitzvah or Bat-mitzvah.
Mitzvah Classes
For young men and women, we have Mitzvah classes which provide a fundamental education of the Hebrew language. Students are provided the opportunity to practice the written and verbal language used in biblical times. Students who complete their Mitzvah are encouraged to participate in the regular service.
Join us after Shabbat service for a light, refreshing “pot luck” meal and time of fellowship. This is a great time to discuss with others what YHVH has been doing in your life and showing you in His Word.
Note: As we strive to maintain a biblically based diet, we ask that any food items brought to Oneg do not contain any “unclean meats” according to Leviticus 11, which include shellfish (shrimp, scallops, oysters, crabs, lobsters) or any pork (bacon, ham, sausage). Though we maintain Scriptural guidelines, we do not hold to strict Kosher guidelines or Orthodox Jewish guidelines such as the separation of meat and dairy. Anything chicken or chocolate is usually a hit!
To lighten the burden of those who prepare the Oneg, please discard your plates or cups after you are finished eating. If you feel so led, a little help in the kitchen is always appreciated. We want everyone to enjoy a peaceful and stress-free Shabbat, so every little bit of help in this area lightens the load on those who bear most of the responsibility each week.
Cell Phones
As a courtesy to others worshiping around you, we ask that, upon arrival, all personal electronic devices and cell phones are turned to “vibrate” or simply…off. Our Father does not need a cell phone to reach His people during services.
Why Do We Celebrate the Shabbat?
Click the play button below to listen to a teaching on the significance of the Shabbat…