
A key difference that sets ARIEL apart from most mainline congregations…
The leaders of the congregation are completely committed to serving the congregation, but also maintain full-time jobs outside the ministry, and are not dependent on the congregation’s contributions for their livelihood. In fact they also support ARIEL from their finances just like everyone else. All funds given at ARIEL go completely toward maintaining the facilities and ministries of the congregation as overseen by an elected Board of Directors.
Ariel has several means by which one can give, one of which is through the giving of tithes. Abram, when he met Melek-Zadek, (or Melchizedek), offered up a tenth of all that he possessed. Jacob committed a tenth of everything that YHVH gave him. And all of the people of God are commanded to tithe in the Torah, primarily to meet certain needs among the people. Though there may be several perspectives as to exactly what it means to tithe today, ARIEL encourages the practice of giving as YHVH leads and provides an opportunity to make offerings during the Shabbat services.
Another means by which one can give is through the Tzedakah box. Occasionally, special needs arise within the congregational family, and a wooden Tzedakah box with a slot in the top remains located at the front of the sanctuary for collecting funds which are allocated directly meet these needs. There is also a separate box for the direct support of ministries overseas in the nation of Israel.
Another way to give is here online, with a Paypal donation. Just click on the yellow “Donate” button in the right column. You can also add a memo to indicate that your donation is for a tithe or for any other particular purpose. All donations are tax deductible in the U.S.
Often, YHVH calls us to help in ways other than giving financially. Whether it’s helping a family move, giving rides or helping to clean, there are many ways to serve and be a blessing to others in the congregation simply by giving our time. These opportunities and more are often announced during services and through our various email groups.
Would you like to support Ariel financially? You can make contributions easily here online.
You may also wish to see
the Giving page.
Prayer Music Dance Giving