Erev Yom Kippur – The Kol Nidre Prayer

Posted on Oct 13, 2019

R. Paul Falk shares the results of new research into the history of the Kol Nidre prayer and why it was decided that Ariel would no longer recite this traditional prayer during Yom Kippur services.

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The Spirit 14 – Spiritual War

Posted on Oct 6, 2019

R. Paul Falk adds to The Spirit series with an insightful look at the war in the spiritual realm, tracing it back to the garden in Genesis and revealing the line of Canaan as enemies of Yah’s people through history, as well as where they are even today.

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Vayelek 2019

Posted on Oct 6, 2019

Rick Ortiz shares an outline of the Torah portion, Vayelek, and expounds on the concept of YHVH telling us about our future. Throughout the Scriptures, He issues warnings and specific details about what we will do, and yet gives us hope for a positive outcome.

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The Spirit 13 – Glimpses of the Heavenly Realm

Posted on Sep 29, 2019

R. Paul Falk adds the Spirt series with an eye-opening account of just a few of the Biblical characters who literally SAW the Heavenly realm as a result of the Spirit coming upon them. Without being born again, one cannot SEE the kingdom of God…

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HyperFocusing on YHVH (Nitzavim)

Posted on Sep 29, 2019

Chris Shannon starts the Torah portion, Nitzavim, with a quick social experiment that reveals how we notice and ignore certain priorities based on our focus. This principle applies in Deuteronomy where Israel is commanded to be “Hyperfocused on YHVH.”

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Spirit 12 – His Presence (Ki Tavo)

Posted on Sep 24, 2019

R. Paul Falk starts with the Torah portion, Ki Tavo, and links to Psalm 139:7 about the spirit and presence, and he shows how the story of Jonah illustrates global truths about our Father’s presence.

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The Spirit 11 – Titles such as “Rabbi”

Posted on Sep 15, 2019

R. Paul Falk examines the passage in Matthew 23:8-9 about using the title, “Rabbi,” to reveal the primary point which is to maintain reverence for our Father even when others may be trying idolize themselves. Click the image below to watch online.

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