Children of Abraham 4 – Take Up Your Cross?

Posted on Nov 16, 2019

R. Paul Falk focuses on the idea of taking up your cross which is prominently taught in some Christian faiths, and shows the Hebrew root meanings this phrase and what is the more likely translation of Yeshua’s actual expectations in this regard.

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Children of Abraham 2 – Those Banned

Posted on Oct 20, 2019

R. Paul Falk delves into the topic of certain people which are banned from entering the assembly of Israel according to Torah (e.g. Moabites, eunuchs), and he shows a commonly misunderstood truth with scriptural examples of banned people being accepted into the fold.

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The Trees of Sukkot: Past, Present, and Future

Posted on Oct 20, 2019

Patrick Shannon presents the reason we keep the feast of Sukkot with an interesting look at the types of trees commanded to be taken for the Sukkah, and, with various scriptures mentioning these trees, shows the associated meanings for each.

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Children of Abraham 1

Posted on Oct 13, 2019

R. Paul Falk starts a new series about our identity as the descendants of Abraham. He starts with the context of Matthew 3 in which John says that our Father “could raise up children from these stones” if He wanted to. The stones to which he was likely referring provide a surprising revelation as to what he meant!

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The Song, The Story of Israel (Ha’azinu)

Posted on Oct 13, 2019

Patrick Shannon shares insights from the song about the future of Israel that Moses was commanded to teach the people before he died. The song constitutes most of the chapter of Deuteronomy 32, and it actually refers to every one of us today.

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Yom Kippur: Washing with Water

Posted on Oct 13, 2019

R. Paul Falk shares a refreshing look at the commands about cleansing with water and shows several correlations with scriptures about purifying by the Word. There are several amazing insights into how we are spiritually cleansed and atoned for on Yom Kippur.

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