Toldot 2019 – 2 Kinds of People

Posted on Dec 8, 2019

Rick Ortiz shares an outline fo the Torah portion, Chayei Sarah, and then highlights the birth of Jacob and Esau and how Esau lost the inheritance fo the first-born as Jacob basically stole it. A simplified illustration leading to the conclusion that there are two kinds of people.

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The Bride’s Heart – Chayei Sarah

Posted on Dec 8, 2019

Chris Shannon shares an insightful outline from the Torah portion, Chayei Sarah, formulated to be what qualities to look for in a bride, as well as how WE are to be as a bride, exemplified by Rebekkah when she was chosen to to Isaac.

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Children of Abraham 8 – The Covenant

Posted on Dec 8, 2019

R. Paul Falk looks at Yeshua’s rebuke of the Rabbis in Matthew 3 and reveals the Torah background behind “raising up children of Abraham from these stones.” Some fascinating links to Adam are shown, as well as links to the deep sleep of Abraham for the making of the covenant, the animals he cut in two, and even why the BIRDS were not cut.

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Children of Abraham 7 – “I AM”

Posted on Nov 19, 2019

R. Paul Falk takes an in-depth look at what Yeshua meant when he said “Before Abraham was, I am,” which is not what most of us think. In fact he was stating that he was the WORD which dwelt with the Father before the foundation of the world, and this has significant meaning for each of us today.

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Children of Abraham 6 – Abraham’s Righteousness

Posted on Nov 19, 2019

R. Paul Falk takes a deep look at the doctrine of Abraham’s righteousness being based on his faith, which only makes sense with other scriptures when faith is understood as trust that actually contains certain actions. A solid look at a lot of the verses used to make the case for salvation by grace and not by works, though with a clearer understanding of where obedience to the Word fits in.

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Children of Abraham 5 – Under the Law

Posted on Nov 18, 2019

R. Paul Falk looks at the phrase often translated “under the law” and shows how the correct understanding of this phrase reconciles completely with being “saved by grace,” the doctrine of circumcision, and what it means to be free with the liberty that Messiah’s death brought about.

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