Tares 5 – On This Rock

Posted on Nov 15, 2015

R. Paul Falk continues the series based on the parable about wheat and tares, explaining the correct Scriptural meaning of Matthew 16:17-18 in which Yeshua charges Simon/Peter with “loosing and binding on earth,” gives him the “keys to the kingdom” and declares “On this rock I will build my congregation.” An eye-opening correction to thousands of years of misunderstanding!  

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Toldot – Aramean Women

Posted on Nov 15, 2015

Patrick Shannon looks at the reason that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all married Aramean women, from their original family line in  ancient Paddan Aram, besides their astounding beauty. Download the slideshow (PDF) to follow along with the visuals! Toldot-Slideshow

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Searching for God… In All the Wrong Places

Posted on Nov 11, 2015

R. Dennis Richards presents an insightful view of how YHVH commands us to search for Him, and how all of the things in our every day lives—such as the “conveniences” of technology—continually keep us from finding Him.  

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Chay yei Sarah – Sending for the Bride

Posted on Nov 11, 2015

In this Torah portion, R. Paul Falk shows some amazing correlations between Abraham sending his servant to get a bride for his son Isaac, and our Father sending to gather the bride for a covenant with His Son…a very deep well indeed!  

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Posted on Nov 1, 2015

Rick Ortiz summarizes one of the richest Torah portions, Vayera, beginning with YHVH appearing to Abraham to announce that he would have a son in his old age, through the account of Sodom and Gemorrah being destroyed, to Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac.  

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Tares 4

Posted on Nov 1, 2015

R. Paul Falk continues the series on the parable of the wheat and tares, with further discussion about spiritual blindness, leaders who say they can see, and the often-misunderstood meaning of partial blindness.  

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Lech Lecha – Tares 3 – Blindness

Posted on Oct 25, 2015

Being spiritually blinded to the Word can happen to any of us at certain times. R. Paul Falk explains the many connected passages in the Scriptures and reveals the main point of Yeshua’s comments regarding blindness, how it occurs, and how our eyes are opened again to the truth of the Word.  

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