Wrestling with YHVH 4 – Hanukkah

Posted on Dec 20, 2015

R. Paul Falk presents several scriptural examples of our enemy in the spiritual realm linking the Messiah’s sober warning about the end times with what happened in the days of the Maccabees, and why we celebrate Hanukkah today.  

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Miketz – God’s Perfect Timing

Posted on Dec 20, 2015

Rick Ortiz outlines the Torah portion starting in Genesis 41 with the story of Joseph interpreting the dreams of Pharaoh showing how YHVH orchestrates events in our lives according to His perfect timing.  

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Enlarge Your Tent

Posted on Dec 6, 2015

R. Dennis Richards highlights Isaiah 54:2-3 in which YHVH commands us to enlarge our tent, using the example of acquiring property and continually stretching with a vision to fulfill YHVH’s purpose in our day. A challenging message about vision, readiness to change, and stretching to expand our influence.

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Va Yeshev – Wrestling with YHVH 3

Posted on Dec 6, 2015

R. Paul Falk sheds a very insightful light on how we should deal with the people causing our problems citing examples of how YHVH taught Joseph, Jacob and Judah to overcome their particular issues with others.  

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Wrestling with YHVH 2

Posted on Nov 30, 2015

In this second installment of the Wrestling series, R. Paul Falk shares a very interesting theory about exactly who the Angel of the YHVH was that wrestled with Jacob, showing uncanny parallels throughout the rest of the Scriptures. An eye-opening perspective when considering that Jacob’s experience is likely a metaphor of what goes on with each of us.

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Vayish’lak – And He Sent

Posted on Nov 30, 2015

In this Torah portion, Rick Ortiz examines the event in which Jacob wrestles with the angel of YHVH, looking at the meaning of the Hebrew word, “wrestle,” and likens this event to all of us, every day (or rather, night).  

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Va-Yetzay – Wrestling with YHVH 1

Posted on Nov 23, 2015

R. Paul Falk likens the battle that was raging inside Rebecca (pregnant with Jacob and Esau) to the battle that rages inside every one of us, as well as how Jacob’s wrestling match with the Messenger of YHVH relates to a deeper meaning for the term “born again.”

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