Yehsua 10(3)

Posted on Jan 10, 2016

R. Paul Falk continues his Yeshua 100-level courses, connecting the details of the prophecy in Zechariah 8:20 to Yeshua and to what is happening throughout the world today. A very insightful teaching regarding the true message of salvation and the return of the 10 lost tribes.

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Va’era – Other Gods

Posted on Jan 10, 2016

In this Torah portion, Pharaoh’s magicians were able to do some of the same miraculous signs that Moses and Aaron did. Were these just tricks or illusions? Or are there really other divine powers besides our God? Patrick Shannon examines the topic of other divine powers mentioned throughout the Scriptures and shows how some of us today are serving some we do not even know are gods! You may also wish to download PDF of slides to follow along.

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Shemot – Yeshua 102

Posted on Jan 3, 2016

In this combined Torah portion and message, R. Paul Falk continues the Yeshua series showing some little-known and amazing correlations between Moses and the promised “prophet like Moses” who would speak the words of YHVH.  

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Yeshua 101

Posted on Dec 27, 2015

R. Paul Falk starts with John 1:1 to explain exactly who and what Yeshua the Messiah really is, which may be surprisingly different than what most people think! An eye-opening teaching about “the way, the truth and the life.”  

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Vayechi – The Kindness of Elohim

Posted on Dec 27, 2015

Patrick Shannon uses the example of Joseph forgiving his brothers in Egypt as an illustration of Yeshua, and his perfect example of showing how we, his disciples, are to be “perfect” in the same way as Elohim.  

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The Wise Guys and the Shepherds

Posted on Dec 20, 2015

R. Dennis Richards examines the story of the wise men that visited the Messiah and shows how many beliefs have been handed down incorrectly according to the scriptures, and why the shepherds were given a special angelic announcement of the Messiah’s birth. He also gives us sound advice as to how to shine as a light during the holiday season among our family and friends.

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Va Yigash – Eyes Being Opened

Posted on Dec 20, 2015

R. Paul Falk starts from the Torah portion in which Joseph is unrecognized by his brothers and shows us other such examples of blindness throughout the scriptures and how eyes are opened by YHVH and His Word.  

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