
Posted on Feb 7, 2016

R. Dennis Richards gives a fascinating explanation of spiritual parables and why Yeshua used them. He also hones in on the parable of the rich man and Lazarus to reveal the deeper truths that are hidden within the story that were intended only for those with ears to hear, and eyes to see.

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Mishpatim – Yeshua 10(7)

Posted on Feb 7, 2016

In this Torah portion and 7th installation of the Yeshua series, R. Paul Falk explains specifically how Yeshua is the promised “prophet like Moses” and shows how Moses’ disciples, Aaron and Hur were examples of us, today, and our responsibilities as disciples of the Messiah.

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Yitro – Yeshua 10(6)

Posted on Jan 31, 2016

In this Torah portion and continuation of the Yeshua series, R. Paul Falk takes a humorous look at Moses going up and down Mount Sinai which leads to the discovery of how and where YHVH makes his name dwell and how He bridges the gap to come down and be among us.

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Yeshua 10(5) – The Tree of Life & Blood of the Lamb

Posted on Jan 24, 2016

In this installation of the Yeshua college courses, R. Paul Falk explains the primary message of the Scriptures, from Genesis to The Revelation repeated through several metaphors in the garden of Eden and the life of Abraham, to the beginning and end of The Revelation. An amazing synopsis that ties together the Tree of Life and the blood of the Lamb.

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Be-Shalach – Trees, Water, Rock

Posted on Jan 24, 2016

Rick Ortiz gives an overview of this Torah portion and highlights a few observations which promote deep thinking about the bitter waters of Marah that were made sweet by a tree, and the water which flowed from a rock in Horeb. Trees, water and rock are metaphors for other things in the Scriptures.

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Enoch – The Man Who Walked with God

Posted on Jan 17, 2016

R. Dennis Richards examines the Book of Enoch which is not part of our canonized scriptures  yet it was found among the Dead Sea Scrolls and much of our doctrine about the future is based on direct references to this pre-flood prophet by New Testament authors (John, Peter and Jude). The correlations between the Book of Enoch and The Revelation are undeniable.

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Bo ~ Yeshua 10(4)

Posted on Jan 17, 2016

In this torah portion about the Passover lamb, R. Paul Falk shows the profound connections between the ancient Passover feast which is to be observed forever, and the Messiah, starting from Yeshua’s command In Luke 22, “Do this in remembrance of Me.” These parallels about “the Lamb of God” are fundamental to understanding the sacrifice of the Messiah.

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