Va Yakhel – Let There Be Light 2

Posted on Mar 6, 2016

Continuing on the theme of being “the light of the world,” R. Paul Falk shows how the Torah portion about the lampstand and other furnishings represent practical applications for us in order to maintain our relationship with YHVH.  

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Let There Be LIGHT 1

Posted on Feb 28, 2016

R. Paul Falk starts an insightful series about LIGHT in the Scriptures, starting with what Yeshua meant when he said, “You are the light of the world.” He answers questions such as “What IS the light?” and “What does it mean to us to be the light in the world?” Don’t assume that you knew the complete answers to these!

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Ki Tasa – YHVH First

Posted on Feb 28, 2016

Patrick Shannon shows a common thread that is seen in every item of the covenant that is restated in Exodus 34, and gives practical examples of what it means to make YHVH first, in everything.  

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Yeshua the Rabbi

Posted on Feb 21, 2016

R. Dennis Richards looks at Yeshua the teacher, how he learned to teach from the rabbis and became recognized as a rabbi himself, using parables to teach spiritual truths with physical metaphors that the people could understand.  

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Tetzaveh – Changing Clothes

Posted on Feb 21, 2016

R. Paul Falk starts in the Torah portion about the garments for the high priest, as well as other scriptures that mention the changing of clothes, and shows some very interesting parallels between the Aaron the high priest and the prodigal son!

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Terumah – His Provision, His Plan and His Priesthood

Posted on Feb 14, 2016

Patrick Shannon presents a pattern found in the commands to build the tabernacle that is exemplified by the items in the ark, and in numerous examples throughout the scriptures, from the first chapter of Genesis to the last chapter of The Revelation. This pattern of His Provision, His Plan and His Priesthood provides practical meaning and applications for us today. You can also click here for a PDF of the slide presentation with which you can follow...

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The Scripturally Appointed Times

Posted on Feb 14, 2016

R. Paul Falk shares a personal journey of discovery and convictions comparing the the historical Jewish calendar with the declaration of YHVH’s appointed times by actually sighting the new moons based on various scriptures. An excellent position emphasizing respect for others and whatever their convictions may be.

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