Shemini – Let There Be Light 5

Posted on Apr 4, 2016

R. Paul Falk shows how the Torah portion regarding clean and unclean meats relates to Peter’s vision on the roof regarding how we are to show the light of Torah to the people of the nations.

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Let There Be Light 4

Posted on Mar 27, 2016

R. Paul Falk presents the parable of the talents entrusted to three different stewards and shows how the one who hid the single talent is likened to other examples of hiding throughout the scriptures, including light that is hidden under a bushel. A glimpse into the actual meaning of several parables for those who have ears to hear, and a somber exhortation for how we hear.

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The Kingdom of God

Posted on Mar 20, 2016

R. Dennis Richards explains examines the meaning of “The Kingdom of God,” the central point of most of Yeshua’s teachings, and what it means for us to enter it today.  

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Vayikra – The Sacrifices

Posted on Mar 20, 2016

Rick Ortiz outlines the various sacrifices in this week’s Torah portion with some interesting correlations with the offerings of Cain and Abel in Genesis.  

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Let There Be Light 3

Posted on Mar 13, 2016

R. Paul Falk continues the “Let There Be Light” series showing how many people today are shining false light, as opposed to the true light of YHVH. He answers the key question, “HOW do we shine as the true light?”

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Pekudei – The 7 Doors

Posted on Mar 13, 2016

Patrick Shannon demonstrates a pattern of doors, or levels of access, described in the structure of the Tabernacle, and then shows the corresponding levels in the body of Messiah. Download PowerPoint presentation to follow along with images.

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Bible Stories

Posted on Mar 6, 2016

R. Dennis Richards shows us how our modern titles of Yeshua’s parables often divert us to the wrong emphases as he presents the real intended meaning of the parable about the landowner who paid all of his workers equally, no matter how long they worked.

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