BeHar – The Jubilee

Posted on May 30, 2016

Rick Ortiz presents an outline of this Torah portion and highlights the meaning of the Jubilee which Yeshua proclaimed by quoting Isaiah 61.    

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Is Yahweh the Father Also Yeshua the Son?

Posted on May 22, 2016

Is the Messiah actually the Father? Is Yeshua actually Yahweh in the flesh?   R. Dennis Richards answers these questions by looking at numerous passages in the Scriptures, from the Torah to the last chapter of The Revelation.  

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Emor – Defiled?

Posted on May 22, 2016

R. Paul Falk discovers the answers to some interesting questions about being “holy” or one of two kinds of “unclean,” by looking at the teachings and example of Yeshua who actually became unclean in both ways.  

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Binding the Strong Man

Posted on May 15, 2016

R. Paul Falk expounds on Matthew 12:29 about “binding the strong man” and explains the ways of demonic forces and how the enemy enters our lives as sin. He also explains how we are to guard against it and how YHVH defeats the enemy on our behalf. A foundational teaching on guarding against sin and protecting our righteousness, our peace, and our entire faith.

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Kedoshim – How to Be Holy

Posted on May 15, 2016

Patrick Shannon studies the first command in this Torah portion, “Be holy” and cuts through the murkiness of our deceiving translations to reveal the actual meaning of this command and how to obey it to be like our Father in Heaven.

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Acharei Mot – Yeast of the Pharisees

Posted on May 11, 2016

R. Paul Falk shines a bright light on the dark motives of the Pharisees which Yeshua warns against as their “yeast.” As His disciples today, we must be very careful of this spreading agent that causes puffing up.  

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Religious Clichés

Posted on May 6, 2016

R. Dennis Richards takes aim at religious clichés that have been used so much, we have lost the original meanings. He uses Psalm 150 as example of how our modern translations have obliterated the actual Name of YHVH and have nullified the original Hebrew meaning of what is now a common cliché.  

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