Be’Ha’lotecha – Meat

Posted on Jun 29, 2016

Rick Ortiz outlines the Torah portion, BeHa’lotecha, and zooms in on questions inspired by the Israelites’ infuriating request for meat.

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Nasso – Binding the Strong Man 4

Posted on Jun 19, 2016

With this Torah portion that features the Nazarite vow, R. Paul Falk builds on the Strong Man series with insightful tie-ins to the story of Samson and shows how we can guard against being bound by the enemy.  

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Binding the Strong Man 3

Posted on Jun 13, 2016

R. Paul Falk continues this insightful series revealing the purpose of the enemy and what he is after in our lives, especially relating to what he wants to steal from the house of the strong man in Matthew 12 and Luke 11. He also reveals WHY the enemy wants to steal this, and how it affects us when he does. He concludes with an amazing tie-in to the Passover lamb and the first few verses of Genesis 1!  

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Ruth – A Scriptural Contradiction?

Posted on Jun 13, 2016

We have read that Ruth was a Moabite, but also that no Moabite shall ever enter the assembly of Israel. Is this a Scriptural contradiction? R. Dennis Richards looks at the meaning of the original words behind our translations to reveal the answer to this mystery, and shows how we must study the Hebrew to solve what may seem like scriptural discrepancies.  

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Bemidbar – Firstborns

Posted on Jun 13, 2016

Patrick Shannon outlines the Torah portion, Bemidbar, highlighting the section about the Levites being taken instead of Israel’s firstborn. Then, following a pattern throughout the Scriptures of how the firstborns have been replaced by others, he shows who Yeshua replaced as YHVH’s firstborn and concludes with how we fit into this pattern today.

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Binding the Strong Man 2

Posted on Jun 5, 2016

HOW the enemy gets in, WHY he is constantly attacking us, WHAT he knows about us, WHEN we’re weak, and WHO he uses “on the inside.” This teaching cracks open the strategies of the dark side revealing even the tactics of the world’s “ministers of light.”

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SIN – The Truth Shall Set You Free

Posted on May 30, 2016

R. Dennis Richards points out that sin predates Torah and explains how we must master it, or it will master us. Overcoming habitual sin is related to understanding the role of the Spirit and how it is the Truth that sets us free.    

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