Vayigash 2020

Posted on Jan 6, 2020

Rick Ortiz outlines the Torah portion, Vayigash, and shows the dramatic change that Joseph underwent during his plight in Egypt for his sake and the sake of all Israel.

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The Potter 2 – Hanukkah, The Macabbees

Posted on Dec 28, 2019

In this back and forth comparison, R. Paul Falk shows the similarities between the promises in the Torah and the series of events that occurred with the Macabbean revolt from which we get the celebration of Hanukkah.

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Up for Interpretation (Miketz)

Posted on Dec 28, 2019

Chris Shannon takes a hard look at interpretation of dreams in the scriptures to determine whether or not all of us should be able to interpret dreams if we really know the scriptures. His conclusion may surprise you.

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The Potter 1

Posted on Dec 21, 2019

R. Paul Falk starts a new series on The Potter in scripture, particularly starting with Jeremiah 18:1-2 in which the prophet was commanded to go and observe a potter to hear the Word of God. A most insightful teaching on how the Creator operates with us, Israel, and individuals as clay that easily become deformed.

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Jacob’s Lesson (Vayishlach)

Posted on Dec 14, 2019

Patrick Shannon shares insights from Jacob’s return to meet Esau showing a certain lesson that Jacob was to learn, which we ALL need to learn, and which changed his name from Jacob to Israel, just as we each become Israel ourselves.

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Children of Abraham 10 – The Samaritan Conversation

Posted on Dec 8, 2019

R. Paul Falk expounds on the even in which Yeshua questions the women at the well in John 4, expounding on the differences between Samaritans and Jews, especially as depicted by passages in the Tanakh (Old Testament). A very educational teaching about being a well of water in our Father’s Word.

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