Justice II – What is FAIR

Posted on Sep 25, 2016

R. Paul Falk expounds upon the parable of the landowner hiring workers in Matthew 20, showing how the proprietor’s hiring of the later workers pertains to our calling today, and who the early workers are who consider our pay unfair. Yeshua commanded His disciples to pray for workers, yet so few of us respond with the biblical meaning of “Here I am!”  

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Kitavo – Blessings and Curses

Posted on Sep 25, 2016

Rick Ortiz outlines the Torah portion, Ki Tavo, and highlights Deuteronomy 29 about the blessings and the curses as they relate to us today.    

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Justice 1 – Different Measurements

Posted on Sep 18, 2016

R. Paul Falk brings the subject of Justice to the surface—a major theme throughout the Scriptures that is widely ignored in society today. This first eye-opening installment focuses on the commands about “differing weights and measures” that almost all of us break as we “measure” people around us.  

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Works 6 – Can Faith Without Works Save?

Posted on Sep 11, 2016

R. Paul Falk expounds on James 2:14 using the example of how YHVH teaches His people faith during the deliverance from Egypt, and gradually introduces them to certain works in the process. A clear answer to the question, “Can faith without works save?”

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Shoftim – Hearing God Speak

Posted on Sep 11, 2016

Patrick Shannon presents how the gentile nations seek spiritual guidance from occult sources compared with how YHVH determined that He would speak to His people. If you are seeking His will, waiting to hear from Him, this how you should expect to hear Him speak.  

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Jude 4 – False Teachers

Posted on Sep 4, 2016

R. Dennis Richards finishes the series on Jude expounding on the descriptions of false teachers and showing how most of the leaders in congregations today are actually “trees without fruit” teaching nothing but falsehood.

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