Yom Kippur Today

Posted on Oct 19, 2016

R. Dennis Richards compares the traditional Jewish Yom Kippur with the Day of Atonement we as Messianic believers celebrate today.

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Ha-Azinu – The Rock

Posted on Oct 19, 2016

“The Rock” from the song of Moses in Deuteronomy 32, giving us a perspective of what this term meant to the ancient Hebrews, as well as what it means for us today.

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The Mercy Seat

Posted on Oct 5, 2016

an insightful teaching regarding The Mercy Seat which covers the Ark of the Covenant and the symbolism it holds for those called to approach YHVH through His Word

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Erev Yom Teruah – Messianic Holidays

Posted on Oct 5, 2016

R. Paul Falk spoke on Yom Teruah Eve about a disconcerting trend among Messianic congregations in which they are creating new holidays and traditions that are not always YHVH’s Holy Days according to the Scriptures.  

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Yom Teruah: A Gateway

Posted on Oct 5, 2016

the Scriptural holy day, Yom Teruah, compared to the traditional Jewish holiday of Rosh Hoshannah, and shows how it is a gateway to Yom Kippur through which each of us are to pass today.

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Nitzavim – The Secret Things

Posted on Oct 5, 2016

Deuteronomy 29:29 about “the secret things” and those things revealed which are threaded throughout the Scriptures even to the teachings of Yeshua and His apostles

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