Noach – The Rock 5 – Satan’s Comeback Plan

Posted on Nov 6, 2016

R. Paul Falk continues The Rock series showing some amazing correlations between the great flood, the tower of Babel, Jacob’s Ladder and the overarching plan of the enemy to counterfeit and replace the Creator’s plan. Yet another groundbreaking installment of the enlightening Rock series.    

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Parables – The Treasure and the Pearl

Posted on Nov 6, 2016

Matthew 13:44-46 contains hidden meanings about the Gentiles connected to prophecies all the way to The Revelation including an eye-opening perspective about the new city of Jerusalem.

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The Rock 4 – The Other Rocks

Posted on Oct 30, 2016

Examples in which the Israelites have sought protection or salvation in other rocks beside YHVH The Rock, and the prophetic fate of these rocks as well as the people who trust in them.

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The Rock 3 – Feast of Tabernacles Day 8

Posted on Oct 30, 2016

Insights through the Scriptures about how The Rock, as a representation of YHVH and His Word, “tabernacles” or dwells among us in a temporary shelter, from the rock that His commands were written upon in the ark of the covenant, to the new heavens and Earth (rock) in The Revelation.

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The Rock 2 – The Cornerstone

Posted on Oct 23, 2016

An outstanding message connecting the cornerstone that the builders rejected with Mount Sinai and the foundation that our faith is built upon. Other links to rock and stone give light and clarity to many passages that have been obscured for ages.

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The Future Feast of Sukkot

Posted on Oct 19, 2016

R. Dennis Richards presents numerous prophecies throughout the Scriptures that refer to the ancient Feast of Sukkot and the future relevance of this joyous 7-day festival.

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Nations Will Come to Your Light

Posted on Oct 19, 2016

R. Dennis Richards starts from the prophecy in Isaiah 60:3 and explores some of the other references to Light as they pertain to Israel today and our lives in the near future.

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