Repairers of the Breach

Posted on Dec 4, 2016

R. Dennis Richards gives a practical and very insightful message about what it means to shine as a light among our families and friends during the holiday season. As passionate truth-seekers, we want everyone to know what we’ve found, but we often miss the best way to be “rebuilders of the ancient ruins” and “repairers of the breach.”

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Toldot – Only Begotten Son? 2

Posted on Dec 4, 2016

R. Paul Falk answers some of the tough questions about the scriptures involving Jacob whom God “loved” and Esau whom He “hated”…explaining the connection to the wives of Jacob and Esau, and how all of this relates to US being either “children of the promise” or those who are the descendants of a cursed people from the line of Ham.

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Only Begotten Son? 1

Posted on Nov 27, 2016

R. Paul Falk examines the phrase, “only begotten son” in several scriptural instances where the one referred to had an older brother. The most obvious case was Abraham being commanded to offer up his “only” son when we know that he had Ishmael prior to Isaac. This seemingly conflicting phrase carries a deep meaning, not only with Isaac, but with the Messiah.  

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Chayey Sarah

Posted on Nov 27, 2016

Rick Ortiz outlines the Torah portion, and then hones in on the oath that Abraham’s servant took and his motivation to find Isaac the perfect wife.    

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A Great Light in Galilee

Posted on Nov 21, 2016

R. Dennis Richards links the prophecy in Isaiah 9:1-2 about a great light in Galilee, to the events recorded in Luke 7—a Roman centurion whose servant was healed and the son of a widow that was raised from the dead. A very revealing message about the Messiah starting his ministry in Galilee among gentiles.    

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Va-Yera – Offering His Son

Posted on Nov 21, 2016

R. Paul Falk correlates the account of Abraham offering up his son Isaac to the prayer of the Messiah in the garden regarding a cup and the significance of this metaphorical symbol based on the other places a cup is mentioned throughout the scriptures.    

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Lech Lecha – The Rock 6

Posted on Nov 21, 2016

R. Paul Falk talks about the call of Abram’s out of his homeland to discover the new land God has for him and then presents an amazing message regarding man’s tendency to add or subtract from the Torah to make us all conforming “bricks,” when we should actually all be different, as living “stones.”  

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