Beshalach – Shabbat 102

Posted on Feb 16, 2017

R. Paul Falk continues with some very clarifying insights about the enemy’s primary goal which is to enslave us, and how YHVH rescues us, bringing us out of bondage to give us freedom and rest.

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How Does One Find God

Posted on Feb 5, 2017

R. Dennis Richards reflects on how one finds the Eternal by looking at the life of Abraham and how he came to know YHVH in a world of false religions and idolatry, even with no teachers and long before the Torah was written by Moses.    

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Shabbat 101 – Remember

Posted on Feb 1, 2017

R. Paul Falk begins a new series on the Shabbat (Sabbath) diving deep into the meaning of the fourth commandment, “Remember” as it pertains to the division of the waters in the first week of creation, the deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt, and what we should be remembering, individually, as we observe the Shabbat today.  

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Va-Era – What’s In a Name

Posted on Feb 1, 2017

Rick Ortiz outlines the Torah portion, Va-Era, and focuses in on the various aspects of a name, and in particular, the name of the Eternal that was given to Moses and the people of Israel. He also highlights what it means to have the name “put on us” and the significance that carries for us today.  

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Vayechi – What TRIBE Are We?

Posted on Jan 15, 2017

Patrick Shannon launches from Jacob’s blessing of Ephraim and Manasseh into the will of Yah for all of creation which culminates in the mission of Yeshua which is handed down to us. As one of many congregations in the modern Messianic movement, Patrick identifies a spectrum of different doctrinal groups and answers the question, “What Tribe Are We?” You can also click here for the slideshow to follow along.

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Run the Race 3 – Three Segments

Posted on Jan 15, 2017

R. Paul Falk presents an interesting view of the race we are running by identifying three distinct segments of the race that span three generations. Why our Father is called “the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob” is evident in scriptures about asking our fathers for the ancient paths and the importance of imparting the Torah to our children.

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Jeremiah for Today

Posted on Jan 11, 2017

R. Dennis Richards shows how Jeremiah’s message to Israel in exile is applicable to us today, living in a pagan world but thriving, learning to wait, and putting our hope in God’s promises and His plan that He has for our future.      

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