Shabbat 106 – Shabbatone

Posted on Mar 19, 2017

R. Paul Falk presents the difference between two Hebrew words in the Torah: Shabbat and Shabbatone and analyzes the meaning of “servile” or “customary” work in this context. He also examines the verses regarding Shavuot, or Feast of Weeks, regarding when this commanded holy day should be observed.

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The Hidden God of Purim

Posted on Mar 13, 2017

The book of Esther never mentions the name of God once and yet shows the hidden hand of God in the way that He saves His people from their enemies.

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Posted on Mar 5, 2017

R. Dennis Richards shares a refreshing look at Restoration, from the viewpoint of mankind after the fall, to how each one of us are personally restored after mistakes from our past. He points out the falling and restoration of several great leaders in the scriptures and gives practical advise for us about moving on in the newness of life that our merciful God provides.  

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Terumah – Shabbat 105 – His House

Posted on Mar 5, 2017

R. Paul Falk highlights big differences between keeping the Shabbat in our dwellings compared to the commands regarding the house of the Eternal, almost all of which come down to the heart behind certain works on Shabbat.

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Shabbat 104 – Trappings

Posted on Feb 27, 2017

R. Paul Falk continues the Shabbat series by looking at numerous trappings of doctrines that have been historically based on mentions in scripture or traditions, but are not specifically commands. He describes the differences between scriptural references and traditions and clarifies the very few actual commands regarding keeping the Shabbat holy.  

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Mishpatim – The Freed Servant

Posted on Feb 27, 2017

Rick Ortiz shares an outline of the Torah portion, Mishpatim, and focuses on the release of the Hebrew servant after seven years. Upon receiving his freedom, he has the option of making his servitude permanent, due to his love for his master, which is signified by the piercing of his ear at the doorpost of the master’s house.  

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Shabbat 103 – Misconceptions

Posted on Feb 19, 2017

R. Paul Falk continues the Shabbat series by clarifying the meaning of different passages about the Sabbath that have been misinterpreted to create entire doctrines and legalistic rules that were not the original intention of the verses in their proper context.    

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