The Importance of Unleavened Bread

Posted on Apr 16, 2017

R. Dennis Richards presents the intended spiritual meaning of eating unleavened bread as commanded for the 7-day Feast of Unleavened Bread, and explains how most religions throughout the ages have totally missed the point that the Messiah made in Matthew 16:6-12 and Mark 7:14-23.  

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Passover 1 – Messiah’s Last Supper

Posted on Apr 9, 2017

R. Paul Falk starts a series on Passover, looking at some historically confusing issues like which night the original Passover occurred, whether Messiah’s “last supper” was really a Passover seder, why he used bread to represent his body, and what he meant by “Do this in remembrance of me.” Click here to view slides.

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Tsav – Did Yeshua End All Sacrifices?

Posted on Apr 9, 2017

Patrick Shannon presents the verses used to conclude that Yeshua’s death ended all sacrifices “once for all,” and then points out some contradictory verses, finally to reveal a deeply hidden answer to the apparent discrepancy.      

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The Highjacking of Passover

Posted on Apr 2, 2017

Today’s Easter holidays, which may seem to be scriptural, cannot possibly fit the Messiah’s “sign of Jonah” and reveal how the enemy changes times and seasons in a way which can actually grieve the Holy Spirit.

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Va-Yikra – The Burnt Offering

Posted on Apr 2, 2017

R. Paul Falk examines the requirements of the burnt offering and reveals an amazing correlation with the offering of the first fruits and what seems to be a mysterious statement made by Yeshua after the resurrection.

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Shabbat 107 – Rest

Posted on Mar 26, 2017

R. Paul Falk connects the commands regarding the Sabbath, to Noah, the covenant made with Abraham, and the original curse of the ground, to reveal a fascinating insight about rest, death, peace and eternal life. An exceptional teaching.    

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VaYakhel-Pehudei – Materials of the Tabernacle

Posted on Mar 26, 2017

Patrick Shannon studies the materials that were commanded for the building of the tabernacle, examining their various sources and unique characteristics and what they each symbolically represent according to the Scriptures. He concludes on how these representations reflect us as the temple in which the Holy Spirit dwells today. You can click here to view the slides presented and follow along.

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