Why Nicodemus

Posted on May 7, 2017

R. Dennis Richards presents an interesting look at Nicodemus, a leading Jewish teacher who came to Yeshua secretly by night. Nicodemus represents those of us who truly seek the secrets of life and the truth about God. This teaching provides the answer to exactly what Yeshua meant by his statement in John 3:3, “…unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”  

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Passover 4 – My Body, My Blood

Posted on May 7, 2017

R. Paul Falk delves into the meaning of Yeshua’s mysterious charge to his disciples to eat his body, and to drink his blood. Though represented by bread and wine, this difficult-to-understand metaphor holds the key to having true life “in” Messiah. Many relevant passages are pieced together to finally understand what Yeshua meant by, “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves.” (John...

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Passover 3 – The Omer

Posted on Apr 30, 2017

R. Paul Falk explains why we “count the omer” or the days to the festival of Shavuot, with insightful observations about why the people were commanded to present loaves of leavened bread on that day. He also shows connections to Adam, the manna from Heaven, and the parables of Yeshua, “the bread of life.”  

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Tazria/Metzora – Leprosy and Slander

Posted on Apr 30, 2017

Patrick Shannon examines the Biblical terms translated to mean leprosy and shows scriptural links to the sin of slander, its source, and some interesting correlations as to how this insidious disease is destructive to the body.    

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Passover 2 – The Unleavening Process

Posted on Apr 25, 2017

R. Paul Falk presents the Passover as a process of “unleavening” that the Father is bringing us through. He makes connections to the Messiah’s teachings about the leavening of the Pharisees which links all the way back to the garden in Genesis and then makes a distinction between “the old leaven” and the leaven that is good.  

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Shmini – FIRE

Posted on Apr 25, 2017

Rick Ortiz analyzes several instances of FIRE used in the tabernacle, such as the fire from YHVH which consumed Nadab and Abihu after they “brought strange fire,” and shares some interesting observations about fire throughout the scriptures.    

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Good Leaven

Posted on Apr 20, 2017

R. Dennis Richards presents some scriptures that refer to good leaven in contrast to the leaven that we are to remove from our lives for the Feast of Unleavened Bread. One such example is for the Feast of Shavuot, or Pentecost, in which the people are to present two loaves of leavened bread.  

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