BO 2020

Posted on Feb 2, 2020

Rick Ortiz shares an outline of the Torah portion, Bo, and gives several examples of how the Father gives His people favor in the sight of the nations, and even enemy kings, even though Pharaoh’s heart was hardened.

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The Potter 6 – Hardened Hearts

Posted on Jan 26, 2020

R. Paul Falk continues The Potter series by showing how Pharaoh’s hardening of his heart may be from YHVH Himself but that we most often have a choice to either accept or reject His disciplines because He is trying to get us to repent.

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Softening Stone (Va’era)

Posted on Jan 26, 2020

Chris Shannon shows a certain pattern in the Torah portion Va’era in which Pharaoh changes his responses to the first of the ten plagues to the ones that occur to Egypt only, and not on the Israelites in Goshen, which also shows how our responses with either hardened heart or humility affect our particular outcomes.

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The Potter 5 – Creating Israel

Posted on Jan 19, 2020

R. Paul Falk adds to the Potter series by showing a series of patterns, with Joseph, Moses and even us as the nation of Israel, going through a series of blessings, then curses, and then blessings again, as the Father draws us out of the waters of the nations to make the dry land appear.

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The Potter 4 – Bricks vs Stone

Posted on Jan 12, 2020

R. Paul Falk continues the Potter series with a look at how so many of the commands written on stone were added to or replaced by man-made bricks of doctrine that have completely led entire movements astray from the original truth. Many of these bricks are simply doctrines out of context, and are often still quoted today.

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Blessing (Vayechi)

Posted on Jan 12, 2020

Patrick Shannon presents a teaching on Blessing, starting from the Torah portion Vayechi in which Jacob blessed his sons and showing an encapsulated overview of all the different uses of words from the same root and their various meanings in the scriptures. Interesting to understand the actual meaning of the word as it pertains to how and why we bless our Father, our children, others, and even ourselves.

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The Potter 3

Posted on Jan 6, 2020

R. Paul Falk adds to the Potter series with a strong exhortation on how easy it can be to step over the line into idolatry, even today.

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