Passover 8 – Bitter Water

Posted on Jun 5, 2017

R. Paul Falk connects the Passover command to eat bitter herbs with the hard bondage in Egypt, the bitter waters at Marah, and the test for an adulterous wife to reveal a very interesting meaning of it all pertaining to what comes out of our mouths.    

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BeMidbar – The Firstborn Son

Posted on May 28, 2017

Rick Ortiz shares from the Torah portion, BeMidbar, highlighting God’s separation of the firstborn sons,  choosing of the Levites to replace the firstborns, and how the commanded redemption of the firstborns is connected to the Creator’s threat to Pharaoh about releasing Israel, His firstborn son, or He would kill all the firstborn sons of Egypt.

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Passover 7 – Journey of Redemption

Posted on May 28, 2017

R. Paul Falk expands on the concept of redeeming Israel from bondage in Egypt, showing that our redemption is more of a journey than a single event. He also highlights the cycles of 7s in Scripture with regard to freedom from slavery and total restoration.    

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Passover 6 – Idolatry

Posted on May 21, 2017

R. Paul Falk continues the series on Passover and specifically on purging out the leaven from our lives, which often takes the form of idolatry in ways that we many not recognize. He also shows from Leviticus how the Father removes this leaven when we do not.    

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The Eternal Name

Posted on May 21, 2017

R. Dennis Richards teaches on the Name of YHVH, honing in on the eternal tense of the phrase, “I AM WHO I AM” in Exodus 3:14. He sheds light on the fact that translators have obscured the true name, and that the world has rejected Who He Is, even today, despite His statement in Malachi 3:6, “I, YHVH, do not change.”  

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Passover 5 – Leaven Put Out

Posted on May 14, 2017

R. Paul Falk delivers a strong warning by showing a fascinating array of interconnections between the leaven being removed from the house, the putting of lepers—including Moses’ sister, Miriam—outside the camp, the infected stones of a house that had to be put out, and spiritual pride. This sin, like a lion waiting outside the door to devour us, is like yeast if allowed to come in, which starts as just a tiny bit and then leavens the whole lump...

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Emor – The Name

Posted on May 14, 2017

Patrick Shannon analyzes the story of the man that is stoned to death by for blaspheming the name of YHVH, starting from exactly what the name is, the elusive pronunciation, what it means to blaspheme or profane the name, and a central point revealed by the chiastic structure of the story.    

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