Anointed, Called & Confused! 7 (Re-eh)

Posted on Aug 20, 2017

R. Paul Falk continues on the Holy Spirit with this insightful teaching on “strange fire,” or the form of worship brought by Nadab and Abihu that was not commanded. He presents the deeper meanings of fire as seen throughout the scriptures which shine additional light on how we could actually be bringing strange fire in our worship today. After clicking Play to start the recording below, click here to follow along with the slides.  

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Anointed, Called, and Confused 6

Posted on Aug 13, 2017

R. Paul Falk continues the series on The Holy Spirit explaining the overall objective of The Spirit, from Genesis to The Revelation. This is also a fresh awakening to what it really meant when Yeshua told his disciples to pray for the Father’s will be done. After clicking the Play button below, you may also wish to click here to view the slide show and follow along with the teaching.  

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Our Inheritance – Part 2 (Ekev)

Posted on Aug 13, 2017

Patrick Shannon concludes the teaching on Our Inheritance showing exactly what we are promised to inherit, WHO will (and will not) inherit it, and what we have TO DO, as heirs of the Creator. After clicking the Play button, you may click here to view the slide show and follow along with the teaching.

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The Spiritual World of the Dead 3 – Abraham’s Bosom

Posted on Aug 5, 2017

R. Dennis Richards continues his series on the afterlife looking at Luke 16:22-23 which refers to the story about Lazarus in “Abraham’s bosom.” Studying key words such as  “paradise,” “Eden,” and “thousand,” a clearer understanding about the future of the earth emerges.    

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Anointed, Called and Confused 5 (Va-Etchannan)

Posted on Aug 5, 2017

R. Paul Falk continues the series on the Holy Spirit with this Torah portion, focusing on what it means to “blaspheme the Spirit” referred to as “the unforgivable sin” in Matthew 12:31-32. Apparently, this is not a new concept but one that has roots in several passages in the Torah.  

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Anointed, Called and Confused 4 (Devarim)

Posted on Jul 30, 2017

R. Paul Falk continues this eye-opening series on the Holy Spirit, starting from the first Torah portion in the book of Deuteronomy (Devarim), and examining exactly what it means to be born in the Spirit, as well the primary purpose that the Holy Spirit has in our lives.    

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Anointed Called and Confused 3

Posted on Jul 23, 2017

R. Paul Falk continues this groundbreaking series on the Holy Spirit in which he reveals some major misconceptions that we have had about the Spirit with a number of insightful correlations between Yeshua’s references to the Spirit and the workings of the Spirit of God in the Torah.  

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