The Heart of Rebecca

Posted on Nov 18, 2017

R. Dennis Richards makes practical observations about the character and the heart of Rebecca as seen through Genesis 24 in which Abraham’s servant is sent to find a wife for Isaac. Several small hints and clues reveal that Rebecca had a heart like Abraham’s, an example for each of us today.  

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Two Nations at War Within (Toldot)

Posted on Nov 18, 2017

R. Paul Falk explains that the Torah can be interpreted in several levels of meaning and uses an example from Genesis 25 about the two nations fighting within the womb of Rebecca to show how that passage parallels with deeper levels of meaning from Genesis, through the parables of Messiah and the letters of Paul, to The Revelation, applying to us today.

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The Vineyard 6 – New and Old Wineskins

Posted on Nov 12, 2017

In this sixth installation of the Vineyard series, R. Paul Falk explains the meaning of the parable about the new and old wineskins in Luke 5:37-38 which may be totally different from what is usually taught, simply by looking at the context of the passage, and the question that the Messiah was addressing. After clicking the PLAY button below, click here to follow along with the slides.  

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The Last Days of Abraham

Posted on Nov 12, 2017

Patrick Shannon examines the Torah portion, Chaiyei Sarah, focusing on the last days of Abraham and especially the request to his servant in Genesis 24 about finding a wife for his son Isaac. In just a small passage of this story, Patrick draws out a number of practical observations. After clicking the PLAY button below, click here to follow along with the slides.

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Who is Melchizadek?

Posted on Nov 4, 2017

R. Dennis Richards investigates the answer to the question, “Who is Melchizadek?” by showing the only three places this name is found in the Scriptures. He also looks at other sources about this king and priest that met with Abraham and ponders the significance of this ancient figure with the eternal prophecies about the Messiah. After clicking PLAY below, click here to follow along with the slides.  

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Praying In The Name (Va-Yera)

Posted on Nov 4, 2017

R. Paul Falk shares his doctrinal filtering process and applies it to the doctrine of ending every prayer “in the name of Yeshua” or “in Jesus’ name.” He answers the questions of where this is seen in Scripture, how it is often misunderstood, and the origin of the practice that is so widely accepted today.   After clicking PLAY below, click here to follow along with the slides.

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The Song of Moses

Posted on Oct 22, 2017

R. Dennis Richards reveals a study on the Song of Moses that is mentioned in John’s Revelation and is a prophecy of the nation of Israel. First written in Deuteronomy 32, it is connected throughout the Scriptures, in Genesis, the Psalms, Jeremiah and Romans. After clicking “Play” below, click here to follow along with the slides

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