Psalm 3 – Peace in the Midst of Battle

Posted on Jan 21, 2018

R. Dennis Richards brings an encouraging message from Psalm 3 in which David cries out to Yah in the midst of his enemies, yet surrounded by the shield of the Father. From this short Psalm we can see that David trusted completely in his God to fight the battle and that we, too, can lie down and sleep in peace having called upon our Father to fight on our behalf.  

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His Will 7 – Wrestling Our Father (Bo)

Posted on Jan 21, 2018

R. Paul Falk shows the similarities between Jacob’s wrestling with the angel of Yah, and the wrestling between Pharaoh in Egypt in the Torah portion, Bo. The significance is reflected in the curses outlined in Deuteronomy and how each of us wrestle with the Father to do our will instead of His.    

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Magic, Signs & Wonders (Va’Era)

Posted on Jan 14, 2018

Patrick Shannon examines the scriptural account of Pharaoh’s magicians turning their staffs into serpents the way God did with Moses’ staff, looks at the possibilities of HOW they did this, and shows scriptural examples of how we should interpret such signs and wonders even in our times today. After clicking the Play button below, click here to follow along with the slides.

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His Will 6 – Pronunciation of the Name

Posted on Jan 14, 2018

R. Paul Falk shares the resources and his personal research behind the proper pronunciation of the four Hebrew letters that spell the Name of the Creator. Though the proper pronunciation was supposedly lost or intentionally hidden, leading to alternative ways of saying the Name, the oldest and most authoritative sources reveal otherwise. After clicking the Play button below, click here to follow along with the slides.  

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His Will 5 (Shemot) – His Name

Posted on Jan 8, 2018

In this 5th part of the series on the Father’s will, R. Paul Falk launches from the Torah portion, Shemot, to explain the Name of the Father, from the various meanings of the Hebrew word for “name” (shem), to exactly when the four-letter Name, or tetragrammaton, was revealed, and whether it matters if we pray in a certain name. After clicking the Play button below, click here to follow along with the slides.  

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His Will 4 (Va-Yechi) – His Messenger

Posted on Jan 8, 2018

R. Paul Falk continues this series starting from the last Torah portion of Genesis and presents scriptural examples of interactions with “the Angel of YHVH,” or the messenger of the Father. He answers some key questions about this messenger even showing similarities with the Messiah. After clicking the Play button below, click here to follow along with the slides.

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Chanukah – A Picture of the End Times

Posted on Dec 24, 2017

R. Dennis Richards connects the celebration of Chanukah with the original story of the Maccabean revolt under persecution, the Messiah’s quoting of Daniel’s prophecies, and how it all comes together to form a picture what will happen in the end times. This a pertinent and timely message for everyone that professes to believe in the God of Israel. Because technical difficulties prevented recording, only the notes for this message could be presented here....

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