
Posted on May 6, 2018

R. Dennis Richards teaches about waiting as seen in the Scriptures, starting from Jacob’s blessings on his sons as they relate to future prophecies, and showing a number of references to waiting in the Psalms and the prophets. After clicking on the Play button below, click here to follow along with the slides.

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The Son – Lord of the Sabbath

Posted on May 6, 2018

R. Paul Falk shares an interesting correlation between the Torah portion, Emor, and a certain section of Yeshua’s teachings in which He claims that the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. After clicking the PLAY button below, click here to follow along with the slides.  

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The Son 1 – Son or Messiah?

Posted on Apr 29, 2018

R. Paul Falk begins a wide-reaching study on the Son of God by first showing that He was referred to far more often as the Son than He was as a Messiah, or Anointed. This becomes quite significant in understanding the persistent relationship between the Son and the Father that is seen throughout the Scriptures. After clicking PLAY below, click here to follow the slides.  

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Acharei-Mot and Kedoshim

Posted on Apr 29, 2018

  Rick Ortiz outlines the Torah portions, Acharei-Mot and Kedoshim highlighting what it means when the Father says that we are to be holy as He is holy. After clicking PLAY below, click here to follow along with the slides.  

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Hand of Elohim 10 – His Wonders

Posted on Apr 22, 2018

R. Paul Falk connects the hand of Elohim with His wonders throughout the scriptures, first seen with the plagues on Egypt, and then as a checklist of signs by which Israel was to recognize the Messiah. In conclusion, Yeshua showed how the healing of the lame and the leper, as well as making the blind see, was evidence that the Father was present among them. After clicking the PLAY button below, click here to follow along with the slides.  

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The Greatest Gift God Gave Man

Posted on Apr 22, 2018

R. Dennis Richards poses the question, “What is the greatest gift that God has given to man?” He proceeds to explain why the Torah, the Word of God, is the greatest thing given to us, with numerous examples from the scriptures as to why we should be keeping the commandments even today, as emphasized by the Messiah. After clicking the PLAY button below, click here to follow along with the slides.  

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Hand of Elohim 9 – The Blood Avenger

Posted on Apr 15, 2018

R. Paul Falk follows examples of the blood avenger through the Scriptures showing how this responsibility of the firstborn son in the Hebrew cultures became a role of the Levites, and eventually the Messiah, all acting as the hand of Elohim in justice. After clicking PLAY below, click here to follow along with the slides.  

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