Erev Yom Kippur 2018

Posted on Sep 22, 2018

R. Paul shares an enlightening message on the evening of Yom Kippur about wearing white, and what it means to be joined to our God. After clicking the PLAY button below, you can also follow along with the slides, or you can watch the entire service online.    

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David’s Teshuvah

Posted on Sep 16, 2018

R. Dennis Richards looks at David’s repentance after being confronted by the prophet Nathan and links Psalm 55, David’s prayer for mercy and cleansing, as an example for all of us making teshuvah, or repenting from our sins. After clicking the PLAY button below, you also follow along with the slides or watch the entire service online.

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Trees 6 – Uprooted

Posted on Sep 16, 2018

R. Paul Falk presents Trees 6 starting with Yeshua’s term, “uprooted” in the parable about a tree in Luke 17:5, and shows what this means based on other references in the Scriptures, and how can be sure to stay in “the way.” After clicking the PLAY button below, you can follow along with the slides, or watch the entire service online.  

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Trees 5 – Cast into the Sea

Posted on Sep 16, 2018

R. Paul Falk presents Trees 5 on Yom Teruah focusing on Yeshua’s parable of a tree being “cast into the sea” (Luke 17:5) and shows the meaning of this phrase by referencing other passages of the Scriptures. After clicking the PLAY button below, you can also follow along with the slides, or you can watch the entire service online.  

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Fall Holy Days 411

Posted on Sep 9, 2018

R. Paul Falk follows Leviticus 23 as a guide to share about how we celebrate the Fall Holy Days according to Torah, and even why we do specific things of which some are commanded and some are traditional.

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Repentance and Spiritual Warfare

Posted on Sep 2, 2018

R. Dennis Richards links repentance with our damages from spiritual warfare and explains the tactics of the enemy who causes division and is like the expert fouler in the Scriptures. After clicking PLAY below, click here to follow along with the slides. Or you can view the entire service here.  

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Trees 4 – KiTavo

Posted on Sep 2, 2018

In this installment of the Trees series, R. Paul Falk unravels Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of a tree as recorded in Daniel 4, links it to the Torah portion, Ki Tavo, and applies it to us, today, according to several New Testament passages. After clicking PLAY below, you can click here to follow along with the slides. You can view the entire service here.  

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