Posted on Feb 11, 2019

R. Paul Falk shows how Messiah emphasized the point of having different measures throughout many of his teachings, such as with the parable of judging others regarding a spec in their eye, when we ourselves are blinded by a log in our own. You can also watch the entire service online.  

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Posted on Feb 11, 2019

Patrick Shannon shares from the Torah portion, Terumah, that the specific instructions to build the Tabernacle in the wilderness have a second layer of meaning regarding how we, the spiritual temple are to be built. After clicking the PLAY button below, you can also click here to follow along with the slides, or you can watch the entire service online.

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Now I See 7 – Scales from Saul’s Eyes

Posted on Feb 3, 2019

R. Paul Falk draws the curtains back on when the apostle Paul, or Saul, had scales fall from his eyes so that his eyes were opened to Yeshua as the promised Messiah. It is a good example of how we all have scales over our eyes from the teachers and teachings we’ve heard that are often not teaching the truth according to our Father’s Word, Torah. After clicking the PLAY button below, click here to follow along with the slides, or you can watch the entire service...

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Mishpatim 2019 – Strangers

Posted on Feb 3, 2019

Rick Ortiz outlines the Torah portion, Mishpatim, and focuses on how and why we are to treat strangers, or sojourners, as natives like ourselves, based on Exodus 23:9. As a “mixed multitude” came out of Egypt with the nation of Israel, so there is also a mixed multitude today. After clicking the PLAY button below, click here to follow along with the slides, or you can watch the entire service online.  

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Now I See 6 – Why Some are Blinded

Posted on Jan 27, 2019

R. Paul Falk explores the scriptural explanations for why the first century leaders of Israel did not see that Yeshua was the prophesied Messiah—especially when so many of the people DID see that he was. Understanding this has implications for all of us, today, with regard to what WE see, compared to the entire truth about what the Father may be doing. After clicking the PLAY button below, you can also follow along with the slides, or view the service online.

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Job – Why the Suffering

Posted on Jan 20, 2019

  R. Dennis Richards looks at the story of Job and explores the question of WHY Job was appointed to such suffering and agony. After clicking the PLAY button below, you can also follow along with the slides.    

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Now I See 5 – Yeshua and Moses

Posted on Jan 13, 2019

R. Paul Falk shows a number of correlations between Yeshua and Moses which solidly confirm that Yeshua is “the prophet like Moses” that was long anticipated by the people of Israel. After clicking PLAY below, you can follow along with the slides, or watch the entire service online.  

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