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Intercession Part 3

publicado por on 10:19 horas, en Mensajes | Comentarios desactivados on Intercession Part 3

HombreParadoenGapofLight-300R. Paul Falk delivers yet another insightful installment on being an intercessor looking at key passages about YHVH’s intercessors and how they relate to each of us, especially with “unclean lips.” Being an intercessor is also understanding that YHVH Himself is the greatest intermediary through His WORD, and in particular, His promises. Through understanding the role of His Word, we are able to see the true reasons for fasting and a clearer picture of Yahoshua interceding for His disciples before his execution.

Bemidbar & Intercession Part 2

publicado por on 4:18 horas, en Mensajes, Las porciones de la Torá | Comentarios desactivados on Bemidbar & Intercession Part 2

HombreParadoenGapofLight-300Starting from the first Torah portion in the book of Numbers (Bemidbar), R. Paul Falk segues from the men of Israel “able to go to war” to scriptural examples of intercessors and what intercession means today. He cites numerous scriptural examples from Abraham and Judah to Moses and Aaron, which all point to examples for us. This is a meaty teaching that will certainly change how you see yourself as an intercessor.

Shavuot & Ezekiel’s Vision of Dead Bones

publicado por on 3:55 horas, en Mensajes | Comentarios desactivados on Shavuot & Ezekiel’s Vision of Dead Bones

SkeletonBones-300R. Paul Falk explains the astounding connections between the dry bones coming to life in Ezekiel’s vision and the feast of Shavuot, with insightful meanings of the bones, the flesh, the skin, and the breath, which are relevant for us today.


Blindness & Nakedness—From Genesis to The Revelation

publicado por on 7:31 horas, en Mensajes | Comentarios desactivados on Blindness & Nakedness—From Genesis to The Revelation

AdamAndEve300SqRabbi Dennis Richards identifies the thought-provoking thread of blindness combined with nakedness throughout the Scriptures with an interesting look at the symbol of the fig tree from which Adam and Eve took leaves to sew their first coverings in the garden.



Intercession – Parte 1

publicado por on 11:33 estoy en Mensajes | Comentarios desactivados on Intercession – Parte 1

HombreParadoenGapofLight-300Rabbi Paul Falk begins a multi-part teaching on Intercession, explaining who are intercessors, why we’re here, and what it means to truly intercede for others. He shows some amazing examples in the Scriptures which help us see that a lot of us have had “praying for someone” all wrong.

The Power of the Psalms Over Depression

publicado por on 6:03 horas, en Mensajes | Comentarios desactivados on The Power of the Psalms Over Depression

Rabbi Dennis Richards explains how the Psalms are Hebrew poetry that teach us how to pray and show even the emotions of David, particularly highlighting how to rise from depression with Psalm 61.

The Door & Gates – Part II

publicado por on 3:16 horas, en Mensajes | Comentarios desactivados on The Door & Gates – Part II

Rabbi Paul Falk draws amazing correlations between numerous mentions of “the Door” in Scripture and how they all relay the same vital message in light of judgment.


Contando el Omer

publicado por on 3:50 horas, en Mensajes | Comentarios desactivados on Contando el Omer

Rabbi Dennis explains numerous aspects of “counting the Omer”—numbering the 50 days from the week after Passover to Pentecost, from Bikharim to Shavuot.

The 7th Day of Unleavened Bread

publicado por on 3:59 horas, en Mensajes | Comentarios desactivados on The 7th Day of Unleavened Bread

Rabbi Dennis describes significant perspectives as to why we eat unleavened bread.

The Door & Gates – Part I

publicado por on 3:55 horas, en Mensajes | Comentarios desactivados on The Door & Gates – Part I

Rabbi Paul shows some very exciting parallels of the inner meaning of “The Door” in scripture, and how numerous mentions of it all align quite miraculously with one particular feast…