Mano de Elohim,,en,Sólo cree,,en,Paul Falk examina las raíces debajo de Romanos,,en,eso parece indicar que declarar al Mesías,,en,con tu boca y creyendo en tu corazón que Dios lo resucitó de entre los muertos es todo lo que se requiere,,en,el apóstol Pablo estaba citando directamente pasajes de la Torá que cuentan toda la historia,,en,Enlace permanente a Mano de Elohim,,en 10 – His Wonders
R. Paul Falk connects the hand of Elohim with His wonders throughout the scriptures, first seen with the plagues on Egypt, and then as a checklist of signs by which Israel was to recognize the Messiah. In conclusion, Yeshua showed how the healing of the lame and the leper, as well as making the blind see, was evidence that the Father was present among them.
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