The Road to Teshuvah

Publicado en septiembre 13, 2015

R. Dennis Richards delivers some very acute insights on “making teshuvah” a través “the ten days of awe” between Yom Teruah (Día de las Trompetas) and Yom Kippur (Día de la expiación), and how we should approach the presence of God for what we walk away thinking was a great time of worship.

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Su Ki – The Rich Man and Lazarus

Publicado en septiembre 8, 2015

R. Paul Falk cracks opens up the mysterious parable of the rich man and Lazarus to reveal one of the main priorities emphasized throughout the Torah and the parables of Yeshua. This single, vital thing can be the key to whether we are blessed or cursed.  

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Ki Teitzay – Growing Cold 4

Publicado en agosto 30, 2015

With this combined Torah portion and message, R. Paul Falk concludes the Growing Cold series showing the connections between “good soil,” the words of the Messiah, and the faith of Abraham. A vital message to understand the key to being fruitful from a heart of “good soil.” The first parts in the series: Parte 1 | Parte 2 | Parte 3  

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Growing Cold – Parte 3

Publicado en agosto 22, 2015

R. Paul Falk continues the Growing Cold series (Parte 1, Parte 2) through the four kinds of hearts in the parable of the sower with an amazing explanation of how worldly thorns prevent fruitfulness in our lives. He also poses the penetrating question, “What is YOUR price?”  

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The Book of Job

Publicado en agosto 17, 2015

R. Dennis Richards relates the book of Job to the tribulations we go through, answering the hard questions like “¿POR QUÉ?” y “Why are my prayers not being answered?” and shows us something Job knew which is the key to victory for us all.  

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Re’ech – Growing Cold – Part II

Publicado en agosto 17, 2015

With this Torah portion, R. Paul Falk continues on the topic of Growing Cold (Parte 1) se trata de cómo podemos conocer un profeta de un falso profeta, y por qué tiene que haber tribulaciones en nuestras vidas.  

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Growing Cold Part 1

Publicado en agosto 9, 2015

R. Paul Falk looks at Yeshua’s end-time prophecy about the love of many growing cold, and explains how and why this is happening even now in our day. Click below to listen to Part 1. (Después, Part II )  

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