Yeshua y Janucá

Publicado en diciembre 9, 2018

R. Paul Falk shows that Yeshua celebrated the Festival of Lights, or Chanukah, and that he likely used the well-known account of Chanukah from the book of I Maccabees as the outline of his teaching about the end times recorded in Matthew 24. After clicking PLAY below, you can follow along with the slides, o ver todo el servicio en línea.

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¿Dónde está la línea? (Miketz)

Publicado en diciembre 9, 2018

Patrick Shannon señala que Yah habló a Faraón, y para otros a través de las escrituras que no eran “Su gente.” Así, donde se traza la línea entre el pueblo de Dios, y las personas que no están? La respuesta está en las enseñanzas de Yeshua. After clicking PLAY below you can follow along with the slides, o ver todo el servicio en línea.  

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Mayim 7 – El agua dulce y amargo

Publicado en diciembre 2, 2018

R. Paul Falk delivers a penetrating message about the tongue as seen in the scriptures, in showing that what we speak is a fountain of what lies in the heart and connects the letter of James to the Torah story in which Judah is seen to make a drastic change in his life. After clicking the PLAY button below, click here to follow along with the slides, o ver todo el servicio en línea.  

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Acción de gracias 2018

Publicado en diciembre 2, 2018

R. Dennis Richards talks about the recent Thanksgiving holiday and shows through historical accounts what this day used to mean compared to what it seems to mean today, and re-emphasizes the point of our giving thanks to the One Who Provides. After clicking the PLAY button below, click here to follow along with the slides, or you can also watch the entire service online.  

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Va-Yishlach – El rostro de Dios

Publicado en diciembre 2, 2018

Rick Ortiz comparte un esquema de la porción de la Torá, Va-Yishlach, con una mirada más cercana a “el rostro de Dios” como se ha mencionado en las escrituras. After clicking the PLAY button below, click here to follow along with the slides, or you can watch the entire service online.    

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Mayim 6 – Dentro del agua

Publicado en noviembre 17, 2018

R. Paul Falk shows an amazing connection between the living water that Yeshua spoke of with the woman at the well in John 3, and the Word of God that isin your heartfrom Deuteronomy, with a revelation about the purpose of the Father’s water in each of us. After clicking the PLAY button below, you can also follow along with the slides, o ver todo el servicio en línea.  

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Mayim 5 – Wells de Abraham

Publicado en noviembre 11, 2018

R. Paul Falk continúa la Mayim (agua) series with the accounts of Isaac following in his father’s footsteps and even re-digging the wells that were originally dug by Abraham and filled in by the Philistines. One of the big questions answered is, “¿Por qué?” After clicking on the PLAY button below, you can also follow along with the slides, or you view the entire service online.  

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